Curious the curious curious was curious because curious jr. Was not at the curious party.
Babys do many things but sometimes when they have are doll under them they might shake but hump.
Most curious
The average number of babies varies across animal species. For example, elephants usually give birth to one calf, while rabbits can have large litters of 6-10 babies. It's best to research the specific animal you are curious about for a more precise answer.
Because girls have babies and guys don't. They need boobies to breast feed. Guys get curious and want some milk too
as curious as an infant or fish
I am very curious about ............... Fill in the blanks
The curious answer is curiosity.
more curious, most curious
curious as a cat or curious like a child
The stress on the word curious is CURious.
The word curious is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; a curious child, a curious investigator.The noun forms for the adjective curious are curiousness and curiosity.