If you mean the children's book, Swallows and Amazons, the author is Arthur Ransome.
Arthur Ransome is the author of Swallows and Amazons
Swallows and Amazons - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L UK:U
Pemmican Read Swallows and Amazons
There are no Swallows and Amazons in Lord of the Flies. "Swallows and Amazons" is the title of a book by the author Arthur Ransome. "Lord of the Flies" is a completely different book written by William Golding, they have nothing at all in common with each other. Early in the book when Ralph tells the assembly that they are on an island, a good island, some of the boys call out, "Like Treasure Island, Swallows and Amazons and The Coral Island."
There are 2 main boats in swallows and amazons.the walker children use a boat called swallow and the blackett children use a boat called amazon,hence the name of the books :swallows and amazons
The next book in the "Swallows and Amazons" series by Arthur Ransome is "Swallowdale." It was published in 1931 and continues the adventures of the Walker and Blackett children in the Lake District.
Arthur Ransome was a writer in the 1900s he is most famous for the swallows and amazons series
Arthur Ransome is best known for his series of children's books called "Swallows and Amazons," which includes the first book published in 1930 of the same name, as well as novels like "Swallowdale" and "Winter Holiday." Ransome was also a prolific author, and his other works include "Old Peter's Russian Tales" and "The Big Six."
When Ralph told the assembly of boys that they were on an island, "like in a book" various boys called out.. "Like Treasure Island, Swallows and Amazons, The Coral Island." As Swallows and Amazons doesn't take place on a tropical island the other two were much more apt.
The cast of Swallows and Amazons - 1974 includes: Lesley Bennett as Peggy Blackett - Amazon David Blagden as Policeman Brenda Bruce as Mrs. Dixon Ronald Fraser as Uncle Jim Stephen Grendon as Roger Walker - Swallow Suzanna Hamilton as Susan Walker - Swallow Virginia McKenna as Mrs. Walker Sophie Neville as Titty Walker - Swallow Mike Pratt as Mr. Dixon Kit Seymour as Nancy Blackett - Amazon Jack Woolgar as Old Billy
The cast of Swallows and Amazons - 1963 includes: Paula Boyd as Peggy Blackett Paula Boyd as Peggy Blackitt Paula Boyd as Peggy Blackitt - Amazons Susan George as Kitty Walker Mandy Harper as Nancy Blackitt Bernard Kay as Policeman Natalie Kent as Mrs. Dixon Mary Kenton as Mrs. Walker Ruth Kettlewell as Mrs. Jackson Sam Kydd as Young Billie David Lott as John Walker John Paul as Captain Flint Christine Reeve as Baby Walker Christine Reeve as Baby Walker - Swallows Michael Ripper as Old Billie George Roderick as Sam Packer Anthony Sagar as Ernie Kidd Siobhan Taylor as Susan Walker Siobhan Taylor as Susan Walker (Swallows) Shane Younger as Roger Walker
Joey Pigza Swallows the key and 1998