She does not marry anyone within the series. She gets engaged to Jehu eventually.
Jane Addams did not marry any man!
Not unless it happened in the last episode of the last season. It would kill the series. Look at Moonlighting.
He was simply a doctor-physician. He would help hurt patients of his, mostly sailors, when they would get in bar brawls. He was really skilled, and Jane took after his abilities from memory when she moved to the frontier. It's a really good book/series! (:
Marry Jane is a character from Spider-Man,Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3.
i'm not sure all i know is that michael and jane end the wedding and then rafeal asks her to marry him, she rejects and ruins the relation ship. Who does she marry in season two? stay tuned to find out.
It was Jane herself who told Mrs. Fairfax about Rochester's intention to marry her.
jane maries deaqn truesdale in 2013 10th feburary
Jane Kenyon married to Donald Hall in 1972
He Married Jane Burton (;
Jane Lynch married to Lara Embry from 2010 to 2014
That depends, who is Jane, and who did she refuse to marry?