Our elf returned right after Thanksgiving. Sometimes elves don't return until the beginning of December. It really just depends on your elf.
Elf on the Shelf typically returns to homes after Thanksgiving, so in 2014, you could expect it to show up towards the end of November or the beginning of December.
The Elf can come back anytime of the year.
The Elf can come back anytime of the year.
he comes back sometime around thanksgiving as it says in the elf on the shelf book. But he could come anytime. BE GOOD! No my elf last year came back around the beginning of November
it comes back sometime around thanksgiving!
You have to adopt an elf on the shelf if you want one to come to your house. You can purchase an elf on the shelf at major retailers like Target and Barnes and Noble. After you name your elf, that is when he gains his magic, and he will come back to your house each year at Christmas time.
You can place your elf doll in a new spot with a note asking for it to come back, or create a fun game or activity for your elf to return. Remember, these are just fun traditions and you can be creative in finding ways to bring back your elf at any time of the year!
Elf on the Shelf dolls typically return to homes at the beginning of December in preparation for the holiday season. Many families have their Elf make his or her appearance after Thanksgiving.
The Elf on the Shelf tradition typically begins the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. Many families welcome back their elf on November 26th.
the elf on a shelf comes back every December so you better be nice. well the elves come back every year 2 day befor thanks giving .
Our elf returned right after Thanksgiving. Sometimes elves don't return until the beginning of December. It really just depends on your elf.
Your elf on the shelf will come back Thanksgiving night when everyone is asleep, however, if you are being bad, the elf still sees you in school, at home, and everywhere else you go when he has left your house on Christmas. If you do not believe in Santa, hen your elf will not come back. And remember, do not touch your elf, it will leave your house, I touched mine and it left, but then it came back 2 days later, I got another chance with him! :)
You can't "get" an elf snowflake for the Elf on the Shelf as it is a fictional character and item. The Elf on the Shelf tradition involves placing the elf in different spots around the house and telling children that the elf reports back to Santa about their behavior.