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The first thing that Billy caught in his trap in the novel "Where the Red Fern Grows" was a raccoon.

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Q: What was the first thing that billy caught in his trap?
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How does Billy catch his first raccoon in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Billy catches his first raccoon by setting up a trap using a tin can, bacon, and a sharp stick. He places the bacon inside the tin can, and when the raccoon reaches in to grab the bacon, it knocks over the can and gets stuck. Billy then approaches carefully and is able to capture the raccoon.

When Billy caught the raccoon what time of day was it?

When Billy found his first raccoon in the traps he made, it was around breakfast. Billy had just finished a somewhat late breakfast when he called his pups to go out with him. It may have taken them a while after that to get to his third trap though. 7th paragraph. Unsure of first one in contest...haven't gotten that far yet...

How do the curitosity and stubborness typical of raccoons enable Billy to trap one?

Billy uses the raccoon's curiosity to his advantage by setting up an enticing bait in the trap. The raccoon's stubbornness comes into play when it refuses to give up on getting the bait, leading it to trigger the trap and get caught.

What are the five animals that Billy catches in his trap?

He caught possums, the cat Sammie, squirrels, rabbits, and I don't know what else.

We're caught in a trap is the first line from this Elvis Presley song?

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What is a pitfall trap?

It is a type of trap that a invertebrate gets caught in.

What is the name of the lobster caught in the trap in Finding Nemo?

The question asks the name of the lobster in the trap. As the unnamed lobster walks by the trap while telling the story of Nemo, he waves to a lobster in the trap and asks "how's it goin', Bob?" The trapped lobster waves back to unnamed lobster. Hence, the lobster caught in the trap is Bob. "..feet straight down into the dahk. It's like wicked dahk down there, you can see a thing - how's it goin', Bob?- And the only thing that they can see down there.."

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What are the release dates for Clean Sweep - 2003 Caught in the Mouse Trap?

Clean Sweep - 2003 Caught in the Mouse Trap was released on: USA: 2005

What reason did papa give billy for why he had not yet caught a raccoon in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Papa explained to Billy that raccoons are clever and cautious animals, making them difficult to trap. He also mentioned that Billy's traps were set in a territory where the raccoon might not have passed through yet, and that he needed to be patient and persistent in order to catch one.

What is a pitfall?

It is a type of trap that a invertebrate gets caught in.