rake, bake, make, shake, lake, Jake (hope names count),
bake, fake, make, rake, take, wake
bake fake lake make rake stake take
fake, make, sake, take, drake, lake, wake, awake, ache, bake, Jake, quake, rake, brake, stake,
1 syllable:
ache, ake, bake, blake, brake, break, dake, drake, fake, flake, haik, hake, jacque, jake, lake, make, naik, paik, pake, plake, quake, rake, sake, schake, schlake, schnake, schwake, shaik, shaikh, shake, shrake, snake, spake, stake, steak, take, wake, yake
2 syllables:
awake, blind snake, bran flake, bull snake, chopped steak, cliff brake, corn flake, corn snake, disc brake, disk brake, dive brake, drum brake, fish steak, flank steak, foot brake, forsake, glass snake, grass snake, green snake, ground snake, hand brake, head ache, hoop snake, house snake, joint snake, king snake, lined snake, lyre snake, milk shake, milk snake, mistake, night snake, opaque, partake, pine snake, rat snake, remake, retake, ringed snake, ring snake, rock brake, rock snake, round steak, rump steak, sand snake, sea snake, strip steak, swiss steak, tax break, tea break, to make, vine snake, whip snake, wood drake, worm snake
3 syllables:
black rat snake, canker brake, carpet snake, chicken snake, coaster brake, coffee break, congo snake, coral snake, double take, garden rake, garter snake, give and take, glossy snake, gopher snake, great salt lake, hognose snake, lie awake, minute steak, oxbow lake, parking brake, pasture brake, peppered steak, pepper steak, red rat snake, ribbon snake, ringneck snake, rough green snake, service break, shooting brake, silver hake, smooth green snake, spider brake, spitting snake, stomach ache, t-bone steak, tartar steak, thunder snake, tiger snake, water snake
4 syllables:
banded sand snake, battle of wake, eastern ground snake, hamburger steak, hydraulic brake, indigo snake, purple rock brake, salisbury steak, western blind snake
5 syllables:
artificial lake, asian coral snake, banded water snake, burning at the stake, common garter snake, common water snake, eastern coral snake, emergency brake, indian rat snake, new world coral snake, old world coral snake, western coral snake, western ribbon snake
6 syllables:
african coral snake, american rock brake, australian coral snake, eastern indigo snake
Bake, Make, Rake, Lake, Take, Fake, Shake. And that's all i can think of. fake, make, sake, take, drake, lake, wake, awake, ache, bake, Jake, quake, rake, brake, stake
Cake rhymes with rake and you bake a cake.
Cake! It is a common tradition to have cake on birthdays, and "cake" rhymes with "luck."
A word with similar meaning that rhymes with 'cake' is 'opaque'.
piece of CAKE!
No, "cake" has the long "a" sound - rhymes with "brake".
Cake, fake, ache...
mistake make cake
Bloody fake!
Blight Cake
Still alive?
fake cake