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He was a wood-cutter.

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6mo ago

In the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel," the father is portrayed as a woodcutter or a woodsman.

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What is hansel and gretels last name?

he is a woodcutterif you are wondering its a riddle on secretbuildersyou should if your not on that website.DIFFERENT PERSONit doesnt say. he is always addresed as : 'Father"

Where did Hansel and Gretel live?

Hansel and Gretel lived in a small cottage in the woods with their father and stepmother.

Is there a Susie in Hansel and Gretal?

No, there is no character named Susie in the original story of Hansel and Gretel. The main characters are Hansel and Gretel, along with the witch, their father, and stepmother.

What is the falling action of the story hansel and gretel?

The falling action of "Hansel and Gretel" occurs after they defeat the witch and return home to their father. They discover that the stepmother has died and they all live happily ever after with their father.

What is hansel and greetel about?

twins being abandoned by their father because of a mean stepmother in a famine. a witch tsakes them in and tries to eat hansel, but the twins kill the witch instead.

Where was the story of hansel and gretal's story set?

The story of Hansel and Gretel is set in the woods near a small cottage where the children live with their father and stepmother.

What is gretels word for non Jews in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

"The Others"

What is the role play by bird in hansel and gretel?

Birds play an important role to control the events that occur in the life of Hansel and Gretel. When Hansel and Gretel return back to their home, they have grown up in age and they can now help their father. The help they give is symbolized by the jewels.

What does Hansel drop all along the way when his father took him to the forest for the first time?

Hansel drops breadcrumbs to create a trail to find their way back home. Unfortunately, the birds eat the breadcrumbs, leading Hansel and his sister Gretel to become lost in the forest.

Who is the villain in hansel and gretel?

Hansel and Gretel save themselves by outsmarting her. Gretel pushes the witch into the open oven intended for her and her brother.

What actors and actresses appeared in Hansel and Gretel - 1992?

The cast of Hansel and Gretel - 1992 includes: Malcolm Donnelly as Peter, father Christine Douglas as Gretel Margaret Haggart as Witch Suzanne Johnston as Hansel Kathryn McCusker as Dew Fairy Gail Robertson as Sandman

Why does gretel blames her brother and father in the tale hansel and gretel?

In the tale "Hansel and Gretel," Gretel blames her brother and father because they were initially responsible for leaving them in the forest. Her anger towards them is a result of feeling abandoned and neglected, causing her to question their actions and hold them accountable for their predicament.