"The Other Family" by Himani Bannerji follows the story of a woman named Lila who learns about her husband's secret second family after his death. The rising action of the story involves Lila's growing suspicion about her husband's behavior, her discovery of his second family, and her emotional turmoil as she grapples with this revelation.
The rising action in Zlateh the Goat is when the protagonist's father dies. The goat is saved and the family remains successful.
the rising action of this lottery ticket is the rising of the action...
The rising action in "Esperanza Rising" focuses on Esperanza's challenges as she transitions from a life of privilege in Mexico to facing poverty and hard work in California. As she adjusts to her new life, Esperanza learns to struggle and fight for her family's survival amidst social and economic difficulties. The rising action highlights her growth and resilience in the face of adversity.
what is the rising action and falling action of pocahontes
rising action of hercules in myth
The rising action in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" includes the introduction of the antagonist, Nag and Nagaina, and their threat against the family and Rikki-tikki. It also involves Rikki-tikki's determination to protect the family and his conflicts with the snakes as the tension escalates.
I would think that the rising action of this book would be the events leading up to Byron going to live with Grandma Sands for the summer, and the family to visit for a little bit.
No, climax is what the rising action leads up to.
rising action of death of a salesman
The rising action is before the climax. There the tension rises.
rising action is when the story is about to get good in other words the part before the action or non-action
rising action in a literary sense is the action leading up to the climax.