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Personally, I think it is very easy to come away from this play with visions of a nihilistic universe, as suggested by the critic Jan kott. Mostly because of the destructiveness of Edmund, goneril, regan and Cornwall, the death of gloucester and Lear even just having completed their spiritual pilgrimages, the seemingly pointless, superfluous death of lear and cordelia, soon to be followed by Kent, the utter rejections and subversion of established laws by Edmund and the eventual denial of all real existence by lear. However, I think Shakespeare illustrates through King Lear a poignant painting of a universe that is ultimately ruled by order. Don't forget that although many of the good die, every bad character dies as a result of their own maligancy, therefore portraying the message that evil self destructs. Edgar, now more fit to rule than anyone we could possibly imagine, is set to rule over the 'gor'd' state. Overall, then, in my opinion and many of those before me, the message to be taken away is this; that although suffering can seem pointless and the Gods can seem cruel, like 'wanton boys', it is all necessary to restore the order of the universe, which is a kind of harmonistic ecosystem in which everything balances out in the end, no matter how hihg the price. Faith in this and faith in the endurance of man, I think must prevail as the final message of Shakespeare's finest play.

Personally, I think it is very easy to come away from this play with visions of a nihilistic universe, as suggested by the critic Jan kott. Mostly because of the destructiveness of Edmund, goneril, regan and Cornwall, the death of gloucester and Lear even just having completed their spiritual pilgrimages, the seemingly pointless, superfluous death of lear and cordelia, soon to be followed by Kent, the utter rejections and subversion of established laws by Edmund and the eventual denial of all real existence by lear. However, I think Shakespeare illustrates through King Lear a poignant painting of a universe that is ultimately ruled by order. Don't forget that although many of the good die, every bad character dies as a result of their own maligancy, therefore portraying the message that evil self destructs. Edgar, now more fit to rule than anyone we could possibly imagine, is set to rule over the 'gor'd' state. Overall, then, in my opinion and many of those before me, the message to be taken away is this; that although suffering can seem pointless and the Gods can seem cruel, like 'wanton boys', it is all necessary to restore the order of the universe, which is a kind of harmonistic ecosystem in which everything balances out in the end, no matter how hihg the price. Faith in this and faith in the endurance of man, I think must prevail as the final message of Shakespeare's finest play.

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The message of "King Lear" is often interpreted as a cautionary tale about the consequences of pride, arrogance, and the betrayal of trust. Through the tragic story of King Lear and his daughters, Shakespeare explores themes of power, loyalty, and the complexity of human nature. Ultimately, the play suggests that true wisdom comes from humility, self-awareness, and the recognition of one's own limitations.

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