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In chapters 6-9 of "Where the Red Fern Grows," one example of a metaphor is when the author describes the friendship between the boy and his dogs as "a bond that can never be broken." This metaphor compares the strong connection between the boy and his dogs to something unbreakable.

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Q: What is a simile or metaphor in chapters 6-9 in Where the Red Fern Grows?
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What are some metaphors in where the red fern grows in chapters 1-9?

The "red fern" is a metaphor for love, loyalty, and everlasting bond between Billy's dogs. The "ghostly river" is a metaphor for the unseen forces of nature and the mysteries of life. The "winter storm" symbolizes the hardships and challenges that the characters face in their journey.

What is a simile in the red fern grows?

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." An example of a simile in "Where the Red Fern Grows" is when the author compares the sound of the hound dogs' baying to "the deep, mournful sound of distant thunder."

How many pages are in Where the Red Fern Grows?

The book 'Where The Red Fern Grows' is about a boy who lives in the Ozark mountain country of Oklahoma. He wants hounds very bad, and saves money to buy them. The rest of the book is about the adventuers they get into together.

What are the similes in chapter 9 of where the red fern grows?

In Chapter 9 of "Where the Red Fern Grows," one simile can be found in the description of the waterfall as "roaring like thunder." Another simile is the comparison of the storm to a "giant getting ready to cough up a storm."

Which of the following grows from a fern spore a flower or seed or fern or corn?

A fern grows from a fern spore.

Metaphors in Where the Red Fern Grows?

An example of imagery in Where The Red Fern Grows is at the very end ... When the Red Fern Grows! It represents the bonds of everlasting friendship in that it grows in the strangest places in the most beautiful of ways, just as how you can meet and make friends of similar quality. Hope this helped. :)

What is an example of a metaphor in where the fern grows?

Hehe the two cups in the beginning, the gold and silver ones, they symbolized Little Ann and Old Dan!!! :)

Where the Red Fern Grows similes example and page numbers?

One example of a simile in "Where The Red Fern Grows" is "like a freshly banded coon" on page 120. This simile compares the excitement and anticipation of Billy hunting with his dogs to a coon that has just been banded and released. It emphasizes the thrill and energy of the moment.

What fern grows in Antarctica?

No fern grows -- nothing grows -- in Antarctica. It's too cold and there is no irrigation.

What is a red fern a sign of?

A Red Fern is a plant that grows in the Ozarks.It is a book called where the red fern grows

What grows from a fern spore?

A new fern.

What page do the dogs die in where the red fern grows?

The dogs Old Dan and Little Ann die at the end of the book "Where the Red Fern Grows." Their deaths occur in the final chapters of the book when they encounter a mountain lion.