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00 1
1 one infinity divided by infinity
The USA uses country code +1
As difficult as it is to understand, Infinity minus 1 is still Infinity.
74 1/infinity or (74*infinity + 1)/infinity
"Infinity + 1" is meaningless both mathematically and philosophically.
1 time infinity equals infinity. Infinite divided by infinite equals 1. There's your answer. * * * * * Except that it is not true. 1 times infinity is, indeed, infinity. But infinity divided by infinity need not be 1. See for example, the paradox of Hibert's Hotel at the attached link.
It is negative infinity.
it just equal infinity
Firstly we don't know infinity value. If you divide any number by infinity then answer will be zero. Example is divide 100/3 by infinity ( let infinity is equal to 1/0). Then answer is 100/3/1/0 you will get zero.