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Q: What goes on a pan and rhymes with kids?
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What is an automobile that rhymes with pan?

A van would rhyme with pan.

What rhymes with Lianne?

Frying Pan

Does busta rhymes have kids?

Yes, he has a daughter named Mariah Smith. She is preety look on google images. Type in busta rhymes kids.

What rhymes with sportsman?

anything that rhymes with man i.e; fan, pan, can..

What rhymes with minute man?

Pan fan

What rhymes with frying pan?

Crying man

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What rhymes with 'tin man'?

Peter pan

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Did echo and pan have kids?

yes pan and echo had two kids, Lambe and Lynx

What rhymes with Chan?

man, tan, can, ban...? pan

Does pan have kids?

Yes, his kids are Satyrs.