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I took a poll of the office and most people think it's cabbage.

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10mo ago

Peter Rabbit ate too much of Mr. McGregor's vegetables.

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Q: What did peter rabbit eat too much of?
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What book character got sick from eating too much lettuce?

Peter Rabbit

Why did the Catholic Church object to Leonardo painting Peter as a rabbit in the Last Supper pic?

Leonardo never painted St. Peter as a rabbit, you've been watching too much television.

Is it ok to give an indoor rabbit letuse during winter?

It is OK to give ANY rabbit a small amount of lettuce as a treat only, anytime. The only rabbit who can eat as much lettuce as they want is the wild rabbit who has access to herbs and minerals to counter balance the lettuce. Domestic rabbit owners should remember the tale of Peter Rabbit and what happened to him when he ate too much lettuce in Mr. MacGregor's garden.

Does a raccoon really eat a rabbit?

Yes, a raccoon will eat a rabbit. However, adult rabbits are much too fast for a raccoon but they will feed on nestling baby rabbits.

Who got sick eating too much lettuce?

The person who got sick eating too much lettuce likely experienced symptoms related to excessive fiber intake, such as bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort. While lettuce is generally safe to eat, consuming it in large quantities can overwhelm the digestive system and lead to these issues. It's important to practice moderation when consuming high-fiber foods like lettuce.

Can a margay eat a bunny?

no ,a rabbit is too big for him

Can you handle a rabbit too much?

You can't handle a rabbit too much, but if you shake it too much you can cause brain damage and that will cause it to die or be mentally retarded.

Can french angora rabbit eat carrots?

Yes, you can feed rabbits most vegetables. However, don't give the rabbit too much carrots because the have a high content of sugar.

Do rabbits eat?

Yes, rabbits eat. They have to if they wish to live. yeah! everything has to eat! they'll eat almost any type of vegetables but too much of something is dangerous for it, so go get it some rabbit feed, give the rabbit veggies as a treat or just a carrot or 2 a day

Do rabbits eat cilantro?

YES! My rabbit loves it alot too...

Can french lop rabbit's eat dandelion weeds?

yes! all rabbits can, just dont feed them too much or they will get a poorly tummy(diorrea)

Can rabbits eat carrots and lettuce?

Yes . But only if they are given way too much . the amount they can eat depends on their size and with each rabbit you get you will have to experiment and work out how much for them is too much.