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Uncle Henrik was likely implying that the weather conditions forecast for the next day were conducive to good fishing. He may have been suggesting that the fish would be biting or that the conditions would be favorable for a successful fishing trip.

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Q: What did Uncle Henrik mean when he said tomorrow will be a good day for fishing?
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What did uncle henrik mean when he said.tomorrow will be a good day for fishing in number the stars?

Uncle Henrik's statement suggests that tomorrow's weather conditions will be optimal for fishing. This could mean that the water will be calm, the temperature will be suitable, and there may be a higher chance of catching fish. His words also hint at a sense of optimism and hope for a successful fishing trip.

Why does Uncle Henrik believe that it is such a good day for fishing in Number the Stars?

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Mrs. Johansen did not tell Annemarie the truth about what she was carrying to Uncle Henrik on the boat because she wanted to protect her daughter from the danger and implications involved in transporting Jewish refugees to safety during World War II. By keeping Annemarie in the dark, Mrs. Johansen shielded her from potential harm and allowed her to maintain innocence and ignorance about the dangerous mission.

What code did papa use to tell henrik the Jewish people were coming to him in the book number the stars?

In the book "Number the Stars," Papa used the phrase "The fishing has been good at Gilleleje" to communicate to Henrik that Jewish refugees were seeking shelter with him. This was a code phrase meant to convey that the Jewish people were on their way to Henrik's location.

How good is Henrik Lundqvist?

He is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 that how good he is

What is good for fishing instead for a fishing pole?

fishing nets are good as long as they are legal