Robert Munsch has written over 50 Children's Books, some of his popular titles include "Love You Forever," "The Paper Bag Princess," "Stephanie's Ponytail," and "Smelly Socks."
Robert Munsch
Children's author Robert Munsch is 72 years old (birthdate June 11, 1945).
Yes, Robert Munsch has two children named Julie and Tyya. He often used stories about his own children as inspiration for his popular children's books.
robert norman munsch, norman is his middle name.
No, Robert Munsch is still alive. He was born on June 11, 1945, and continues to write children's books.
In the top nine books written by Robert Munsch are, Mud Puddle, The Paper Bag Princess, Love You Forever, A Promise is a Promise, Stephanie's Ponytail, We Share Everything!, Ribbon Rescue, Zoom!, and Murmel, Murmel, Murmel.
Robert Munsch was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 11, 1945.
Robert Munsch seems to be alive and well. Although age 64 and recovering from stroke, he is still writting books. For a recent news article see the link below.
There is no public information to suggest that Robert Munsch, the Canadian children's author, had an addiction. He has been open about his struggles with mental health issues but there is no evidence of addiction.