The blank pages between chapters are called "blank pages" or "spacer pages." They serve to separate different sections of a book and provide a visual break for the reader.
A blank space around the edge of the pages.
Yes surprisingly you do. Look through a long book and you'll see the blank pages are counted unless they are before or after the story/ information in the book.
not much- that's sad that there's a error- your're missing almost two chapters.:] :] <3 <3
91 pages, in the first three chapters.
There are 38 chapters 341 pages.
there are 31 pages in the first two chapters.
There are 19 chapters, no matter how many pages there are.
there are 39 chapters and 380 pages in this book
"A Blank in the Weather Map" by Gerard Stembridge has 399 pages in total.
There are three books with this title.Point Blank by Anthony Horowitz has 320 pages in the paperback.Point Blank by Fern Michaels has 352 pages in the mass market paperback.Point Blank by Sam Hanna has 120 pages in the Kindle version.
Chapters 2 and 3.
There are 44 short chapters.