Paddington bear
The Adventures of Paddington Bear was created in 1997.
The Adventures of Paddington Bear ended in 2001.
The duration of The Adventures of Paddington Bear is 1380.0 seconds.
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - 1997 The Amazing Paddington was released on: USA: 31 October 1999
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - 1997 Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep Paddington and the Olympics Paddington and 'Do It Yourself' was released on: USA: 2 August 2009
No, Paddington Bear was not a real bear. He is a fictional character created by author Michael Bond in a series of children's books. Paddington is known for his duffle coat, hat, and love of marmalade sandwiches.
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - 1997 Paddington at the Wheel Howdy Paddington A Shopping Expedition was released on: USA: 16 October 1997
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - 1997 Paddington the Babysitter was released on: USA: 14 November 2007
The Adventures of Paddington Bear - 1997 Paddington the Tour Guide was released on: USA: 5 December 1999
Michael Bond is the author of the Paddington Bear books. He first introduced the beloved character in 1958.