The second book of the Dragonsdale series by Salamandra Drake is called Riding the Storm.
No there are no plans afoot to release a third book in the Dragonsdale series I am the editor for Dragonsdale Salamandra plans to release a second book,but not from scholastic we didn't get enough sale to continue publishing her books.
Dragonsdale was created in 2007.
Dragonsdale has 288 pages.
Its called Dragonsdale. im not sure which one but its one in those series.
The second book in the series is Things Hoped For.
The second book in the series is the throne of fire
Probably because the way it ended seemed like it was in the middle of a story and was kinda a cliff hanger
No there isn't. The second book in the series is titled "New Moon" "Blue Moon" is a the second book in Alyson Noel's Immortal Series.
The Reptile Room, the second book of the series, was published on the 30th September 1999.
The title of the second book of the 4th series of Warriors is called Fading Echoes.
Bloodborn is the second book in the Otherseries.