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No, NBA YoungBoy has multiple children with different mothers.

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Q: Is nbayoungboy babies all frome the same mama?
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Why would one mama cat want to take the other ones 6 week old babies?

I had the same experience. After several times of telling the offending mama cat "That's not your kitty.. " I gave up. I think it may be a survival instinct. I noticed that the offending mama cat wanted the larger kittens.

What do you do when you care for baby hamsters?

Please DONT touch the babies you usually don't do anything the mama does all the hard work but you do need to put more food than usual and the mama will drink more water than usual so when the hamsters are 2-4 weeks old you can start playing with them but if they don't have hair on them at 2 weeks please don't touch them they will lose there sent and the mama will eat them but sadly you and stop the mama same after all of them are born the mama might eat them to get the nutrients back from having her babies but also sadly you still can't do anything but good luck

Can baby rabbits sukkel from any rabbit mother?

It is a good idea to breed two does at the same time in case the mother of one litter dies or rejects her babies. A baby rabbit can suckle from any healthy mother rabbit. However, it can be difficult to get the substitute mama to accept the babies as her own. Try rubbing vanilla extract on the fur of both litters and the mama's nostrils. All mama rabbit will smell is the vanilla, and she will think all the babies are hers. Watch them closely to make sure all the babies are being suckled, kept warm ,and taken care of. This will onyl work if both litters are small. Mama rabbit might get overwhelmed if she has to suckle more than six babies. If the litters are too large or the mama doesn't accept the other litter, you can hand feed them kitten formula using a dropper. By the way, it's spelled "suckle", not "sukkle".

Why are so many babies their first word say mama or Dada?

Bilabial sounds are the most basic and all babies with the power of speach, regardless of the culture or language base in which they are raised, make these same sounds. Cooing, gooing, and burbbling/gurggling will be the first sounds though.

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What was a clarinet made of in the 1700's?

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How are rhinoceros and triceratops the same?

It is the asme by your mama

How rhinoceros and triceratops the same?

It is the asme by your mama

What is love your mama?

Since mama means mother, it means to love your mother! love your mama love , your mom or love your mother , it's all the same !!

How does the lion have babies?

The same way humans have babies.......;;