As of my last update, Julia Donaldson is still alive. She was born on September 16, 1948.
Eric Donaldson is still alive and working.
Julia donaldson
what does julia Donaldson love
Julia Donaldson's birth name is Julia Catherine.
Yes. Julia Werner is still alive.
According to her website and to her publisher's website, Julia Donaldson was born and raised in Hampstead, North London in England.
Julia Donaldson lives with her husband Malcolm, who is a pediatric specialist. They have three children together.
Julia donaldson
Tiddler's teacher in Julia Donaldson's book "Tiddler: The Story-Telling Fish" is Miss Skate.
Julia Donaldson AKA: Me
Yes, Julia Donaldson, the author of "The Gruffalo," is Scottish. She was born in London but spent her childhood in Scotland and now lives in Glasgow.