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You can change it:

to a possessive noun: child's

to a plural noun: children

to a plural possessive noun: children's

to an abstract noun: childhood

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5mo ago

To change the noun child to another noun, you can use a synonym such as "youth," "adolescent," "offspring," or "descendant."

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Q: How do you change the noun child to another noun?
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What is another noun for child?

Some synonyms for the noun child are:adolescentbabydescendantkidoffspringteenageryoungsteryouth

What is a five letter suffix that would change the noun phrase to another noun?

One example of a five letter suffix that could change a noun phrase to another noun is "-hood." For instance, adding "-hood" to "child" creates "childhood."

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What noun is child?

Child is a noun!

Is child a common noun or proper noun?

The noun 'child' is a common noun, a general word for any young human.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun for the common noun 'child' is the name of the child.

Singular possesive noun for child?

The singular possessive noun for child is child's.

What is the proper noun of children?

Child is a common noun. The proper noun Child would be a family name, as in Robert D. Child, the artist.

How do you change cooperation to a noun?

Cooperation is already a noun, with the verb form cooperate and the adjective form cooperative. There is another synonymous abstract noun, cooperativeness.

What suffix do you need to add to change the word competitor into a noun?

The word competitor is a noun, a person who competes with another or others.

Is grateful a common noun?

The word 'grateful' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun (grateful child); the noun form is gratefulness. Another noun form is gratitude. Both gratefulness and gratitude are common nouns.

What is an Abstract noun for change?

The noun 'change' is an abstract noun as a word for the act or instance of making or becoming different; a word for a concept.The noun 'change' is a concrete noun as a word for small amounts of money; a fresh set of clothes; a word for physical things.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'change' is the gerund, changing; a word for replacing one thing with another; a word for a concept.

What kind of noun is child?

The noun child is a singular, common noun; a word for a person.