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  • Luke is a modern-day child whilst Lulach belongs to medieval times.
  • Lulach is expected to follow in his stepfather's footsteps and become the chief of his village whereas Luke is just a normal boy who is not expected to continue his stepfather's work.
  • Luke is drawn into Lulach's world, but Lulach is not drawn into Luke's world.
  • Lulach ages at a different rate to Luke.


  • Both boys have a stepfather whom their mothers married upon the death of their real fathers
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11mo ago

In Jackie French's "Macbeth and Son," Luke is Shakespeare's son and Lulach is Macbeth's son. Luke is curious, intelligent, and passionate about acting, while Lulach is depicted as manipulative, power-hungry, and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain control. Comparing them, Luke embodies creativity and compassion, whereas Lulach represents ambition and ruthlessness.

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Q: How can I compare Luke and Lulach in Jackie French's 'Macbeth and Son'?
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Number of kids of lady lady Macbeth and Macbeth?

Historically speaking, Lady Macbeth had a son by her first husband Gillecomlan called Lulach, who was adopted by his stepfather Macbeth. She and Macbeth had no children of their own. Although it was Lulach who became king after Macbeth, Shakespeare considered it dramatically unnecessary to include this fact in his play and so he does not appear. The idea that Lady M had been a mother makes sense of her line "I have given suck and know how tender 'tis to love the babe who milks me."

What are the parallels in Luke's and Lulach's world?

The main parallel between Luke and Lulach's world in Jackie French's novel is that both boys have a stepfather whom their mothers married upon the death of their real fathers.

Has Macbeth got a son called fleance?

No, Banquo has a son called Fleance. In Shakespeare's play it is unclear whether Macbeth has any children. The historical King Macbeth had a stepson, Lulach (son of Lady Macbeth and her first husband Gillecomlan) who succeeded him as king.

Who became king of scotland after macbeth's death?

In the Shakespearean play, King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] was stabbed to death by Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. Macbeth then was King for 17 years. He was killed and beheaded by Macduff, who sought revenge for the loss of his entire family and household. But the Scotsman who replaced Macbeth on Scotland's throne was King Duncan I's elder son, King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093]. The version of the royal succession by William Shakespeare [Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616] wasn't backed up by the historical record. Instead, King Duncan was killed by his own men for having launched an unprovoked, unpopular, unjustified, unjust invasion of Macbeth's lands in Moray. After 17 years of rule, Macbeth was succeeded by his stepson, King Lulach [d. March 17, 1058]. King Lulach in turn was succeeded by King Malcolm III, King Duncan's elder son and the murderer of Kings Macbeth and Lulach.

Is Macbeth a real ghost?

Yes. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were King and Queen of Scotland. They did kill their predecessor, Duncan, who was a bad king, and reigned for 17 years, very successfully, until Macbeth was killed. Lady Macbeth's son, Lulach, took the throne after Macbeth's death.

When was Lulach born?

Lulach was born in 1033.

When Macbeth is killed who is the next king?

In the Shakespeare play, Macbeth is succeeded by Malcolm, son of Duncan. Macduff says to him, "Hail, king, for so thou art." The historical reality was somewhat different. The historical Macbeth was succeeded after a long and mostly peaceful reign of 17 years, by his stepson Lulach (that's Lady Macbeth's son) who was unfortunately not so successful.

Does Macbeth have a son?

It is not implied directly to us in the play, but yes, we can safely assume so. Besides, when Lady Macbeth finds out about the prophecy saying Macbeth would become king, she takes it that she would become queen. Now, its not very likely she would think that if she was his girlfriend!

What finally happened to Lady Macbeth?

According to the Shakespearean play 'Macbeth', Lady Macbeth ended up killing herself. Readers and viewers weren't given the specifics of the suicide. The means and even the exact timing were left unspecified. According to the historical record, Lady Macbeth's life was lived with only sketchy details for succeeding generations. There was no reference anywhere as to how, when, or where she might have died. But it was common in the eleventh century for the wife to be dispersed along with the properties of the deceased or disgraced titleholder. That decision would have been made by the King. The immediate successor to Macbeth [d. August 15, 1057] was his stepson, Lulach mac Gille Coemgain [d. March 17, 1058]. King Lulach was the only surviving child that Gruoch ingen Boite ka Lady Macbeth had. He was from her first marriage to Gille Coemgain [d. 1032], who may have been burned to death along with 50 other men by Macbeth. The killing may have been provoked by the suspicion that Coemgain had played some role in the killing of Macbeth's father, Findlaech mac Ruaidri [d. 1020]. King Lulach may or may not have seen to his mother's care. He was nicknamed the Unfortunate, the Simple-minded, and the Fatuous. According to those descriptions, he might have done exactly what his mother wanted or he might have been manipulated by others who put him on the throne. Just as the subsequent King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093] mortally wounded Macbeth at the battle of Lumphanan, so did he kill Lulach. Malcolm and then his brother Donalbain, the subsequent King Donald III [d. 1099], took control of the throne. If Lady Macbeth still lived, her existence might have ended or taken a decided downturn. On the other hand, Lulach's son and her grandson Mael Snechtai [d. 1085] and then her great grandson Oengus [d. 1130] took over Macbeth's title as King of Moray.

What are two key differences the historical and play version of Macbeth?

Shakespeare always abandoned historical detail when it would get in the way of drama. In fact Macbeth was a well-loved king whose reign was very long, not the hated tyrant of a short reign shown in the play. Nor was he really succeeded by Malcolm. Malcolm did eventually become king, but Macbeth was actually succeeded by his stepson Lulach.

Who is king at the end of Macbeth?

At the end of Shakespeare's play Macbeth; Malcolm, son of Duncan is proclaimed to be King of Scots. (In actual history, Macbeth was succeeded by his son Lulach; who was then was assassinated and deposed by Malcolm)

Was Macbeth king?

Yes, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] became king. He reigned over Scotland for 17 years. He succeeded King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. He was followed by King Lulach [c. 1029-1032 - March 17, 1058], who was the son of Lady Macbeth ]b. c. 1015] from her first marriage to Gille Coemgain [d. 1032]. According to the historical record, Macbeth wasn't killed by anyone named Macduff. Instead, he and his stepson were killed by King Duncan I's elder son, the subsequent King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093]. King Malcolm III succeeded King Lulach. He in turn was succeeded by his younger brother Donalbain, who reigned as King Donald III [d. 1099].