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There is no set rule for when an Elf on the Shelf needs to leave. Some families choose to continue the tradition even when children are older, while others stop when the child no longer believes in the concept. It ultimately depends on each family's traditions and beliefs.

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Q: Do elf on the shelfs leave when you are 10?
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Related questions

When does elf on shelfs come back?

The Elf can come back anytime of the year.

Can adults touch elf on the shelfs?

No, adults are not supposed to touch Elf on the Shelf. The rules of the Elf on the Shelf tradition state that only children can touch or interact directly with the elf. If an adult touches the elf, it may lose its magic.

can i have 2 elf on the shelfs if i have a sibling that does not live with me?

sure! its up to you

Do elf on the shelfs know if you moved?

Some people believe that the elf on the shelf represents Santa's scout and is said to leave at night to report to Santa about a child's behavior. The elf is said to lose its magic if touched, so it's recommended not to move it. However, the elf does have the ability to move on its own during the night.

What to do if elf on the shelfs are touched?

If an elf on the shelf is touched, simply explain to the child the importance of not touching them so their magic can remain strong. You can also have the elf "report back" to Santa to remind the child about good behavior. Ultimately, it's a fun tradition and touching the elf can be seen as part of the learning process.

Are elf off the shelfs real?

No, Elf on the Shelf is a popular Christmas tradition where a toy elf is placed in different spots around the house by parents to "watch over" children and report back to Santa. Elves on the Shelf are not real creatures; they are a fun and creative way to bring the magic of Christmas to life for children.

When does the elf on the shelf leave?

The Elf on the Shelf traditionally leaves on Christmas Eve night to return to the North Pole with Santa Claus. This is when their magical duties are done for the year.


Elf on the Shelf dolls are not sentient and therefore do not exhibit personal preferences. They are typically used in families around Christmas time as a fun way to encourage good behavior in children by having the elf "watch" and report back to Santa.

When was Elf Bowling created?

Elf Bowling was created on 2007-10-02.

When does the elf on the shelf come back?

The Elf can come back anytime of the year.

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How tall is a keibler elf?

10 feet