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A solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions and causes a decrease in pH is an acid. To be more specific it is an Arrhenius acid and a Bronsted Lowry acid.

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An example of a solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions and causes a decrease in pH is hydrochloric acid (HCl). When dissolved in water, HCl dissociates into H⁺ and Cl⁻ ions, with the hydrogen ions contributing to the acidity of the solution by increasing the concentration of H⁺ ions, thus decreasing the pH.

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Q: What is a solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions and causes a decrease in pH?
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What causes HCl to become an acid?

HCl becomes an acid when it dissociates in water to produce hydrogen ions (H+) and chloride ions (Cl-). The presence of hydrogen ions in solution gives HCl its acidic properties, such as the ability to donate protons and lower the pH of a solution.

Does hydrogen chloride have polar or nonpolar bonds?

Hydrogen chloride has polar bonds. The difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and chlorine causes the chlorine end to be slightly negative and the hydrogen end to be slightly positive, resulting in a dipole moment.

when potassium is added to water what causes explosion?

When potassium is added to water, it reacts exothermically with the water to produce potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The rapid production of hydrogen gas in the reaction causes an explosion due to the build-up of pressure from the gas release.

Why do the two solutions NaCl and CH3COOH have initially different pH values in a buffer solution experiment?

NaCl dissociates to form Na+ and Cl- ions, which do not affect pH since they are neutral species. On the other hand, CH3COOH is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water to form H+ ions, leading to a decrease in pH. This difference in the behavior of the two solutions causes them to have initially different pH values in a buffer solution experiment.

What does water release when it dissociates?

Because of the polarity of water which causes one or two or more substances to break apart due to the unbalance of electrons in H20, which is actually neutral.

Related questions

What is a solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions and causes a decrease in pH is?

An example of a solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions and causes a decrease in pH is an acid. Acids release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, leading to an increase in the concentration of H+ ions in the solution and a decrease in pH. Examples of acids include hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

What causes HCl to become an acid?

HCl becomes an acid when it dissociates in water to produce hydrogen ions (H+) and chloride ions (Cl-). The presence of hydrogen ions in solution gives HCl its acidic properties, such as the ability to donate protons and lower the pH of a solution.

Does hydrogen chloride have polar or nonpolar bonds?

Hydrogen chloride has polar bonds. The difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and chlorine causes the chlorine end to be slightly negative and the hydrogen end to be slightly positive, resulting in a dipole moment.

How does clonidine act as a sedative?

Clonidine is an alpha-2 adenergic agonist. This means that it stimulates the alpha-2 receptor. This causes a decreased release of norepinephrine and epinephrine. This decrease causes a decrease sympathetic tone acting like a sedative.

How does CO2 decrease the pH?

Adding water does not always decrease pH. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, also called hydronium ions. They are inversely related. More hydrogen ions means a lower pH. A base has a pH greater than 7 (neutral) because it has an increased amount of hydroxide ions which causes a lower amount of hydrogen ions. Adding more water to a base solution causes the concentration of the hydroxide ions to become less, thus due to equilibrium, causing the hydrogen ion concentration to increase. This does cause pH to become less ... decrease. But an acid solution does the exact opposite when water is added. It already has a large concentration of hydrogen ions, but as water is added the concentration decreases and this causes pH to increase.

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This involves "nuclear fusion" reactions.

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Hydrogen bonds are formed between water and ethanol molecules, the solution become more "packed"; the density increase and the volume decrease.

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when potassium is added to water what causes explosion?

When potassium is added to water, it reacts exothermically with the water to produce potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The rapid production of hydrogen gas in the reaction causes an explosion due to the build-up of pressure from the gas release.

Why do the two solutions NaCl and CH3COOH have initially different pH values in a buffer solution experiment?

NaCl dissociates to form Na+ and Cl- ions, which do not affect pH since they are neutral species. On the other hand, CH3COOH is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water to form H+ ions, leading to a decrease in pH. This difference in the behavior of the two solutions causes them to have initially different pH values in a buffer solution experiment.

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