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Diamond is a form of carbon. Carbon melts at 8300 °F but only if held under pressure of around 1600 psi.
Diamond melts at 3,820 degrees Kelvin, which is the highest melting point of any mineral.

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3mo ago

Diamonds can be melted by subjecting them to extreme heat in a vacuum or an inert atmosphere. The melting point of diamond is around 4,000 degrees Celsius (7,230 degrees Fahrenheit), which is higher than the melting point of other common materials. Diamond will not burn or vaporize at this temperature, but will instead transform into graphite.

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Q: How can you melt diamond?
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The melting point of diamond is sufficiently high that magma would not melt it.

Can nuclear melt down Diamond?

YES about 5000+° more hotter than the maximum of diamond!

Can the sun melt a diamond?

No, the sun cannot melt a diamond. Diamonds have a very high melting point of about 3,550 degrees Celsius, which is much higher than the temperature of the sun's surface.

Why can you melt a diamond?

You can melt a diamond, because anything can melt given enough heat. Diamond, however, has the highest melting point of any known mineral: 3820 degrees Kelvin, 6416.33 degrees Fahrenheit, or 3546.85 degrees Celsius.

Does heating a diamond slow down the rate of it melting?

Diamonds don't melt.

Can any chemical melt diamond?

Diamonds can be altered by chemicals that can oxidize carbon, such as hot concentrated nitric acid or a mixture of potassium nitrate and sulfuric acid. However, these reactions can take a long time and are not typically used for practical purposes.

Why diamond is very difficult to melts?

Diamond is difficult to melt because of its strong covalent bonds. These bonds are very strong, requiring a high amount of energy to break them and melt the diamond. Additionally, diamond has a very high melting point of about 3,500 degrees Celsius, further contributing to its difficulty in melting.

Can you melt a lot of diamonds and pour them into a mold of a ring?

The nature of the diamond is such that it is 'worked' or fabricated by cutting and polishing, not by melting and casting, since in order to melt a diamond you'd need to generate heat up to 3,820 degrees Kelvin, or 3,547º C.

What temperature will a diamond melt?

Diamond mineral has the highest melting point of any mineral: 3820 degrees Kelvin, which is 6416.33 degrees F, or 3546.85 degrees C.

What is the Price per inch of melted diamond?

Diamonds don't melt, so your question doesn't have an answer.

What is a melted diamond called?

A melted diamond is called a "melted diamond." The high temperatures required to melt a diamond would break down its crystal structure, reducing it to molten carbon.