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If the stained clothes went through the wash, some of the staining may not come out. If there is any waxiness, start by scraping off as much chapstick as you can without damaging the fabric. Then rub both sides of the stain with detergent and wash it in hot water.

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3mo ago

To remove the chapstick stain from your clothes, first scrape off any excess chapstick using a butter knife. Then apply a pre-treatment stain remover or liquid laundry detergent directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Wash the clothes in the hottest water temperature suitable for the fabric, and air dry if the stain is gone, then repeat if necessary.

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Q: You washed your chapstick and it left a stain in your clothes How can you get rid of the stain?
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How do I remove Chapstick stains from clothing?

To remove Chapstick stains from clothing, start by scraping off any excess wax with a blunt edge. Then, apply a pre-treatment stain remover or a mixture of dish soap and warm water to the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes before laundering the clothing as usual. Repeat the process if needed before drying.

How did tide laundry detergent get its name?

The name "Tide" was chosen to represent the product's ability to clean clothes effectively and leave them looking fresh and clean like the ocean tide. The name was meant to evoke a sense of cleanliness and freshness associated with a strong and powerful force of nature.

How hexane get grease out of cloth?

Hexane is a non-polar solvent that can effectively dissolve oily and greasy substances due to its low polarity. When applied to a greasy stain on cloth, hexane can break down the grease molecules, allowing them to be lifted away from the fabric. The solvent then evaporates, leaving the cloth clean and grease-free.

Does koolaid stain your hair?

Yes, Kool-Aid can temporarily stain hair if used as a dye. The intensity and duration of the stain will depend on the hair color, porosity, and the amount of time the Kool-Aid is left on the hair.

How can you remove the yellow stain left from hydrogen peroxide when you used it to remove another stain?

You can try mixing equal parts water and vinegar and dabbing the solution onto the yellow stain. Let it sit for a few minutes before blotting it up with a clean cloth. Repeat as needed until the stain fades. If the stain persists, you can try using a commercial stain remover or consult a professional cleaner.

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How do I remove Chapstick stains from clothing?

To remove Chapstick stains from clothing, start by scraping off any excess wax with a blunt edge. Then, apply a pre-treatment stain remover or a mixture of dish soap and warm water to the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes before laundering the clothing as usual. Repeat the process if needed before drying.

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How did tide laundry detergent get its name?

The name "Tide" was chosen to represent the product's ability to clean clothes effectively and leave them looking fresh and clean like the ocean tide. The name was meant to evoke a sense of cleanliness and freshness associated with a strong and powerful force of nature.

When you have your periods do you can you sleep however you want?

no you can't. girls have to sleep on their left & right hand side. if you sleep on your back, the blood will pass through your back and soak on your bed and sometimes stain your clothes

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