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No, you cannot use bar soap in place of powdered soap when washing clothes - unless you are washing by hand.

Powdered and liquid soaps are designed to disperse quickly into the wash water, bar soaps will not do that. After the washing process, bar soap may remain as a bar (although a bit smaller) and then the rinse steps will not be effective at removing residual soap.

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1mo ago

Adding a small bar of soap to a laundry load that already contains soap powder may result in excess soap and create excessive suds. This can impact the machine's efficiency and could leave residue on your clothes. It's best to stick to the recommended amount of detergent when washing clothes.

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Q: Would you add a small bar of soap of the same volume of soap powder to some water when washing clothes?
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Why is pepsin a bad enzyme in washing powder?

Pepsin is a bad enzyme in washing powder because it can break down and damage fabrics, leading to the deterioration of clothing. In addition, pepsin is not effective in removing stains or dirt from clothes as it is specifically designed to digest proteins in the stomach rather than act as a cleaning agent.

Why is it that in the presence of protease and lipase would make the washing powder more effective than ordinary detergent?

Protease and lipase are enzymes that help break down proteins and fats, which are common components of stains on clothes. By including protease and lipase in washing powder, it can more effectively break down and remove these types of stains compared to ordinary detergent that may not contain these enzymes. This makes the washing powder more efficient at removing a wider range of stains.

Washing powder acid or alkaline?

if you mean biological powder, then no, no, no, NO! acid is never used in washing powder, it would damage your clothes. No, they use enzymes, which are biological catalysts. these are more effective than non-bio, but far worse for your clothes.However i see you put Pool care and cleaning in your subjects. you were probably looking for pool cleaner which is a compound of Chlorine and Potassium to make a soluble salt, very clean and very useful

Why would washing powder of high pH or low pH be harder to handle?

Washing powder with high pH (alkaline) can be irritating to the skin or eyes and may cause burns, while washing powder with low pH (acidic) can be corrosive and damage surfaces it comes in contact with. Both high and low pH washing powders require careful handling to avoid potential health and safety risks.

Does washing powder help your lawn?

Using washing powder on your lawn can potentially harm the grass and soil due to the chemicals and additives present in the powder. It is not recommended to use washing powder as a lawn treatment, as it can disrupt the natural ecosystem of the soil and affect the health of your lawn in the long run. It's best to stick to using products specifically designed for lawn care.

Related questions

Is washing powder a liquid?

No. As the term washing powder would suggest, it is a powder, which consists of many small solid particles.

Why is pepsin a bad enzyme in washing powder?

Pepsin is a bad enzyme in washing powder because it can break down and damage fabrics, leading to the deterioration of clothing. In addition, pepsin is not effective in removing stains or dirt from clothes as it is specifically designed to digest proteins in the stomach rather than act as a cleaning agent.

Does a washing machine iron clothes?

I would imagine that a washing machine is more likely to wrinkle clothes.

Why is it that in the presence of protease and lipase would make the washing powder more effective than ordinary detergent?

Protease and lipase are enzymes that help break down proteins and fats, which are common components of stains on clothes. By including protease and lipase in washing powder, it can more effectively break down and remove these types of stains compared to ordinary detergent that may not contain these enzymes. This makes the washing powder more efficient at removing a wider range of stains.

Do you need to use washing powder or would a hot water wash do the trick?

A hot water wash can help to remove dirt and stains from clothing, especially for items that aren't heavily soiled. However, using washing powder can help to lift out tough stains and leave clothes fresher and cleaner, as it contains enzymes and surfactants that aid in the cleaning process.

What do you correct in this sentence lie them dirty clothes on top of the washing machine?

I would correct the sentence to say "Place those dirty clothes on top of the washing machine" for better clarity and correctness.

Washing powder acid or alkaline?

if you mean biological powder, then no, no, no, NO! acid is never used in washing powder, it would damage your clothes. No, they use enzymes, which are biological catalysts. these are more effective than non-bio, but far worse for your clothes.However i see you put Pool care and cleaning in your subjects. you were probably looking for pool cleaner which is a compound of Chlorine and Potassium to make a soluble salt, very clean and very useful

What is the input and output of a washing machine?

Input: Dirty clothes, water, detergent. Output: Clean clothes.

Why do people invent washing machines?

People invented washing machines so women would have more time to do other things than washing clothes but hand

Why would washing powder of high pH or low pH be harder to handle?

Washing powder with high pH (alkaline) can be irritating to the skin or eyes and may cause burns, while washing powder with low pH (acidic) can be corrosive and damage surfaces it comes in contact with. Both high and low pH washing powders require careful handling to avoid potential health and safety risks.

How can the washing machine be improved?

"the washing machine can be improved by adding a 'sorter' to it. it would sort the clothes by colour so the wash is better and dyes dont mix!"

What is a bawdy basket?

someone (normally a Ladie ) would go along in the street and take any washing of any washing lines and then put the clothes into her basket