At any ambient temperature.
Explaination for school kid
Evaporation of water is different from concept of boiling. Air can uptake small amount of water and long as the air is not saturate, it will drawn any liquid water to fill the content.
Dry skin over cold day was due to this evaporation. The hot and humid day cause sweat because the air is filled with water and our sweat can't evaporate.
Scientific explaination
Evaporation take place when the partial pressure of water (water content) in air is less than the vapour pressure of water. The vapour pressure is depending on temperature. With rising temperature, vapour pressure is higher and when the vapour pressure equal to atmospheric pressure, all water will change to gas and that is the boiling. Though the temperature is at ambient but if the water content in air is less than the vapour pressure, the water still evaporate at ambient temperature.
On a sunny day the air is less saturated than on a cloudy day and thus the water will evaporate faster. The water will evaporate until the air is completely saturated (100% humidity) and the lower the humidity the faster evaporation will occur. Therefore, on a sunny day with a lower humidity the water will evaporate faster than on a cloudy day.
One example of a metal that exists in solid state in winter and liquid state in summer is mercury. Mercury has a melting point of minus 38.83 degrees Celsius, so it is in a solid state during winter when temperatures are below this point, and it turns into a liquid state during summer when temperatures rise above its melting point.
Silver does not evaporate at room temperature. It has a high melting point of 961.78°C (1763.2°F), which means it would need to be heated to this temperature in order to evaporate.
When water is left outside during a summer day, it can evaporate due to the heat from the sun. The water molecules gain enough energy to escape the liquid surface and turn into water vapor, thus causing the water to disappear.
Increasing the temperature of a liquid causes the molecules to move faster and possess more energy. This increased energy allows more molecules near the surface to overcome intermolecular forces and escape into the gaseous state, leading to faster evaporation.
Pure isopropyl alcohol would evaporate more quickly than a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water. This is because water has a higher boiling point than isopropyl alcohol, which would slow down the evaporation process of the mixture compared to pure isopropyl alcohol.
This is not true.
Evaporation depends on the environmental temperature.
Unrefrigerated since the warmer it is the faster it will evaporate, Just like if u leave water under the hot summer sun for too long it will be gone faster then cold water
One does not necessarily evaporate faster than the other. You would have to assess each acid and base individually.
Water evaporate faster in a wide glass than in a narrower glass.
Sound typically travels faster in warmer temperatures because the molecules in the medium are more energized and can vibrate more quickly. Therefore, sound waves can propagate faster in hot summer afternoons compared to cold winter mornings.
Earth's orbit around the Sun is not a perfect circle; rather, it is an elipse. In winter (the northern winter; in the southern hemisphere this would be the summer), Earth is closer to the Sun, and moves faster.
At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.
Yes Water can evaporate inside. Have you ever taken a really hot shower and then your mirror fogs up? That's because the water was hot enough to evaporate then condensed on your mirror.
because if summer games were in the winter where would they have golfing