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No, brown eggs and white eggs will both sink in water with added salt. The density of the egg, not its shell color, determines whether it floats or sinks in water with added salt.

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Q: Will brown eggs float in salt water?
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Do rotten eggs float in salt water?

No, rotten eggs do not float in salt water. An egg will float in water when it is old and starting to spoil due to the air pocket inside increasing in size, not necessarily because it is rotten. Rotten eggs may sink or float in water depending on various factors such as gas buildup, but the salt content of the water usually does not affect this.

How does the salt make the egg float in water?

The salted water is denser than pure water and eggs can float.

What is the background research on Egg Flotation?

eggs float better with water and salt but they do not float in just water

What kind of eggs float on salt water?

grade a large

Why don't eggs float in sugar water?

when you will put eggs in water they will form a homogeneous mixture hence cannot float.

Who found out that eggs can float in salt water?

I suppose that this person is unknown.

Why can eggs float in salt water and not in other liquids?

because of the density i the water, i think?

Does eggs float better on salt water or fresh water?

Eggs will float better in saltwater because the salt makes the water denser, causing the egg to float more easily. In freshwater, the egg may sink or not float as readily due to the lower density of the water.

What made the egg float in salt water?

that the water with salt well make the egg float

What is the best object to float in salt water?

The best object to float in salt water is typically something that is less dense than the salt water, such as a beach ball, foam noodle, or plastic bottle. These objects have a greater buoyancy compared to the surrounding water, allowing them to float easily.

Does Egg Float In Salt Water Or Fresh Water?

Fresh eggs float in salt water because the density of salt water is more than the density of the egg. But fresh eggs do not float in fresh water because the density of water is less than that of the egg. Salt increases the density of water.

Why do eggs falt in salt water?

Eggs float in salt water and sink in fresh water because salt water is more dense. Density is a measure of how much 'matter' is in a certain space, adding salt to water adds 'matter' so makes it more dense. The Dead Sea is 33% salt so even people who can't swin can float in it.