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When iron rusts, it combines with oxygen to form iron oxide (rust). You now have the original mass of iron PLUS the mass of the combined oxygen.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The mass of a rusted nail can be greater than the mass of the nail before due to the formation of iron oxide (rust) on its surface. Iron oxide is heavier than iron, so the added weight contributes to the increase in mass. Additionally, the rust layer can trap moisture and other debris, further increasing the overall mass of the nail.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Nail is made of iron

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Q: Why would the mass of a rusted nail would be greater than the mass of the nail before?
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Why is the mass of a rusted nail greater than the mass of the nail before it rusted?

When a nail rusts, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide (rust). This process adds additional mass to the nail in the form of the iron oxide. Therefore, the mass of the rusted nail is greater than the mass of the nail before it rusted.

Compare the mass of iron and oxygen before the reaction with the mass of rust resulting from the reaction?

The mass of iron before the reaction will be the same as the mass of rust after the reaction, as the iron in the metal combines with oxygen from the air to form iron oxide (rust) without any loss or gain of mass. The mass of oxygen before the reaction will remain constant as well, as it participates in the reaction but is not consumed or lost in the process.

If samples of lead and silver each had volumes to 1 cm which would have greater mass?

The mass of lead would be greater, as lead has a higher density compared to silver. Density is mass divided by volume, so even if both samples have the same volume, the lead sample would be heavier due to its higher density.

Which has greater mass mole of silver or mole of gold?

A mole of gold has a greater mass than a mole of silver because the molar mass of gold (Au) is higher than the molar mass of silver (Ag). The molar mass of gold is approximately 197 g/mol, while the molar mass of silver is approximately 107 g/mol. Therefore, a mole of gold would have a greater mass compared to a mole of silver.

Which subatomic particle has a greater mass a proton or an electron?

A proton has a greater mass than an electron. Protons are about 1,836 times more massive than electrons.

Related questions

Why is mass of a rusted nail would be greater than the mass of a rusted nail before it rusted.?

it is very simple actually because believe it or not rust has its own mass and after the nail rusts its mass increases

Why is the mass of a rusted nail greater than the mass of the nail before it rusted?

When a nail rusts, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide (rust). This process adds additional mass to the nail in the form of the iron oxide. Therefore, the mass of the rusted nail is greater than the mass of the nail before it rusted.

What type of reaction occurres when iron has rusted and how does the mass of the object after rusting compare with its original mass?

The mass would be greater

Explain why the mass of a rusted nail would be greater than the mass of the nail before it rusted Assume that all the rust is still attatched to the nail?

When a nail rusts, iron in the nail reacts with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide (rust), which has a greater mass than iron alone. As a result, the overall mass of the nail increases when it rusts because the mass of the iron in the nail combines with the mass of the oxygen in the air to form iron oxide.

Which has more mass a rusted bolt or a non rusted bolt?

Left intact the rusted bolt because it has the added mass of the Oxygen. Once cleaned up it will be lighter because it has lost mass in the form of iron atoms in the Iron Oxide molecules.

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The greater the mass, the greater the force of gravity.

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The greater the mass the greater the inertia. Thus if both vehicles were travelling at the same speed the vehicle with the greater mass would have the most inertia and thus be the hardest to stop.

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The SUV would have the greater momentum because momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity. Since an SUV typically has greater mass than a compact car, it would have greater momentum at the same velocity.

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The SUV would have greater momentum because momentum is calculated by multiplying mass and velocity, and SUVs typically have greater mass than compact cars.

Compare the mass of iron and oxygen before the reaction with the mass of rust resulting from the reaction?

The mass of iron before the reaction will be the same as the mass of rust after the reaction, as the iron in the metal combines with oxygen from the air to form iron oxide (rust) without any loss or gain of mass. The mass of oxygen before the reaction will remain constant as well, as it participates in the reaction but is not consumed or lost in the process.

Why do objects with more mass have greater weight?

weight is the effect of gravity acting on mass,the greater the mass the greater the effect on gravity will have on it therefore the greater the weight. eg. if the mass is 50kg and gravity is 10N the the weight is 500N,if the mass increases to 100kg the the weight would increase to 1000N

Why do objects with more have greater weight?

weight is the effect of gravity acting on mass,the greater the mass the greater the effect on gravity will have on it therefore the greater the weight. eg. if the mass is 50kg and gravity is 10N the the weight is 500N,if the mass increases to 100kg the the weight would increase to 1000N