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There was a time when the church had books control. Knowledge was not common. Alchemy was beginning of chemistry we have today. Because of the control of the church, there was a law concerning the contents of manuscripts. Early alchemists hid their work because the punishment was heavy.

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Alchemists were secretive about their work to protect their discoveries and techniques from being stolen or replicated by others. Additionally, the mystical and esoteric nature of alchemy contributed to the culture of secrecy surrounding their practices.

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How much money do alchemists make?

The income of alchemists can vary greatly depending on their level of experience, specialization, and the demand for their skills. In general, salaries for alchemists can range from modest to high depending on the industry and location.

Why is Liebig condenser better than alchemists equipment?

A Liebig condenser is better than alchemists' equipment because it is a more efficient and practical tool for condensing vapors by using a straight tube design with a larger cooling surface area. Alchemists' equipment, on the other hand, was often improvised and less effective for controlled chemical reactions. Additionally, Liebig condensers are more durable and easier to clean compared to the equipment used by alchemists.

Why Alchemists were not successful to turn metal into gold?

Alchemists were not successful in turning metal into gold because they lacked a scientific understanding of chemistry and the atomic structure of elements. The goal of transmuting base metals into gold was based on mystical beliefs and symbolism rather than empirical evidence or experimentation. Additionally, the technology and tools available to alchemists at the time were not advanced enough to achieve such a transformation.

Medieval scientists who attempted to change worhless metals into gold?

Alchemists were medieval scientists who attempted to change worthless metals into gold through a process called transmutation. They believed in the concept of the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance that could turn base metals into gold. Despite their efforts, alchemists were unsuccessful in their pursuit of creating gold through alchemical processes.

Why might alchemists have though they could turn other metals into gold?

Alchemists believed in the concept of transmutation, the ability to transform one substance into another. They thought that with the right combination of ingredients and processes, they could achieve this transformation with metals. Gold was considered the most perfect and pure metal, so alchemists sought to replicate its properties in other metals through their experiments.

Related questions

What were the spiritual goals of Alchemists?

The goal was more psychological than spiritual. The alchemists were attempting to cure the "darkness of midlife". The psychologist Carl Jung studied the work of the alchemists for decades, and believed that hidden within their writings, were psychological explanations for their work.

What skills do alchemists need?

The ability to not understand that alchemy doesn't work.

Are there any recent alchemists?

yes there are some recent alcemists they work for NASA

What was the importance of the work of early alchemists?

The study of Alchemy was a precursor for the study of Chemistry.

Is there an alchemists symbol for cerium?

Cerium was not known by alchemists.

Why would alchemists keep their secrets from the rest of the world?

Because the secret is that alchemy doesn't work.

What was the alchemists view on atoms?

The alchemists were unaware that atoms even existed.

Are alchemists real?

Alchemists study and practice Alchemy which is considered a protoscience. While Alchemists are real people with a real purpose, the field they practice has not been proven real, as yet, by scientific protocol. Using a loose definition, you could call chemists modern alchemists. But there were real alchemists who's main goal was to change one substance into another, usually this a cheap metal, like lead, into gold. Though the methods were primitive, the concepts are considered important work towards modern chemistry.

Why are all the famous alchemists men?

Most of the strongest Alchemists appear to be men.

What is a simile for secretive?

As secretive as a secluded fawn

Medieval scientist who attempted to change worthless metals into gold?

Alchemists. Alchemists.

What are synonyms of password?

it is a secretive word it is a secretive word