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So there could be another flavor of gum. Some people wanted to chew gum that tasted like mint, so they requested it to a company, they made mint gum, and it got really popular, so all the gum companies made them.

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3mo ago

Mint gum was invented to provide a refreshing and cooling sensation in the mouth, as well as to help freshen breath. The mint flavor in gum is derived from natural mint oils and has been a popular choice for gum manufacturers due to its perceived cleanliness and invigorating taste.

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Who invented dobble mint gum?

William Wrigley Jr. invented Wrigley's gum.

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How do you make mint flavored gum?

Find a package of gum and take it out. Then you have mint flavored gum! Ta Da!

What gum lasts longer bubble gum or mint gum?

Mint will always last at least a little bit longer than strawberry gum. Most of the time, mint gum is longer lasting than fruit gum, but a few companies make long lasting fruit gum. There is not a long lasting strawberry gum yet.

Who makes Everest Powerful Mint Gum?

Everest Powerful Mint Gum is made by Wrigley's. It is known for its strong mint flavor and long-lasting freshness.

What gum did Chris Brown endorse?

Double Mint Gum

What are the Words to Doublemint Gum jingle?

Double your pleasureDouble your funWith Double mint Double good Double Mint Gum

Does mint gum last more than fruit gum?


Who invented stride gum?

Cadbury Adams invented stride gum.

How do you prepare for a kiss?

With a breath mint or maybe gum. I prefer the mint.

What are the release dates for Triple Mint Gum - 2013?

Triple Mint Gum - 2013 was released on: USA: 17 April 2013

What gum is the best buy?

The best gum to buy is "DOUBLE MINT",new"5 GUM",AND "STRIDE".