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Sulfur is brittle and not ductile, meaning it does not bend easily without breaking. This makes it unsuitable for making durable pipes that need to withstand pressure and mechanical stress. Additionally, sulfur is also not resistant to corrosion, further limiting its usability in pipe-making applications.

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Q: Why sulphur cannot be used in making pipes?
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Why sulphur is not used in making pipes?

Sulfur is not used in making pipes because it is a brittle element at room temperature and can degrade when exposed to moisture, leading to leaks or breakages in pipes. Instead, materials like plastic, copper, or stainless steel are preferred for their durability and resistance to corrosion.

Why sulphur not used in jewelry?

Sulphur is not used in jewelry because it has a low melting point, making it unsuitable for creating durable and long-lasting pieces. Additionally, sulphur tends to tarnish and react with metals, leading to discoloration and damage to the jewelry over time. Other materials like gold, silver, and gemstones are preferred for their durability and aesthetic properties in jewelry making.

How do you get sulfur?

Sulfur is primarily obtained as a byproduct of natural gas and oil refining. It can also be found in its elemental form near volcanic areas or in mineral deposits. Industrial processes, like the Frasch process, can also be used to extract sulfur from underground deposits.

Which type of sulphur is used for fumigation?

Sublimed sulphur, also known as "flowers of sulphur," is commonly used for fumigation purposes. It is a fine yellow powder that can be burned to release sulfur dioxide gas, which has insecticidal properties.

What is Sulphur fracture?

Sulphur fracture refers to the irregular, porous appearance of a mineral fracture caused by the brittle nature of sulphur. When sulphur is broken or fractured, it typically exhibits a rough, uneven surface with jagged edges. This fracture pattern is a characteristic feature used to identify sulphur in its natural state.

Related questions

Why sulphur cannot be used for making pipes?

As sulphur is not ductile.

Why sulphur is not used in making pipes?

Sulfur is not used in making pipes because it is a brittle element at room temperature and can degrade when exposed to moisture, leading to leaks or breakages in pipes. Instead, materials like plastic, copper, or stainless steel are preferred for their durability and resistance to corrosion.

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sulphur and carbon are nonmetal they are not a good conductor of heat and electricity.

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Why sulphur not used in jewelry?

Sulphur is not used in jewelry because it has a low melting point, making it unsuitable for creating durable and long-lasting pieces. Additionally, sulphur tends to tarnish and react with metals, leading to discoloration and damage to the jewelry over time. Other materials like gold, silver, and gemstones are preferred for their durability and aesthetic properties in jewelry making.

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Why is copper used to make water pipes?

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Give an example of a situation in which ordinary pipes are more suitable than named pipes and an example of a situation in which named pipes are more suitable than ordinary pipes .?

Named pipes can be used to listen to requests from other processes( similar to TCP IP ports). If the calling processes are aware of the name, they can send requests to this. Unnamed pipes cannot be used for this purpose.Ordinary pipes are useful in situations where the communication needs to happen only between two specified process, known beforehand. Named pipes in such a scenario would involve too much of an overhead in such a scenario.

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Named pipes can be used to listen to requests from other processes( similar to TCP IP ports). If the calling processes are aware of the name, they can send requests to this. Unnamed pipes cannot be used for this purpose.Ordinary pipes are useful in situations where the communication needs to happen only between two specified process, known beforehand. Named pipes in such a scenario would involve too much of an overhead in such a scenario.

What do roman plumbers use in their pipes?

If you refer to the composition, it is Lead (Latin: Plumbum). "Roman roofs used lead in conduits and drain pipes and some were also covered with lead, lead was also used for piping and for making baths" -Wikipedia