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Sodium Carbonate (NACO3) and Calcium Carbonate (CACO3) are alkaline salts which neutralises the acidity of a lake.

Also, once an acid is neutralized, the remaining alkaline substances will create hydroxyde OH- ions which helps elevate the pH over 7.

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3mo ago

Adding calcium carbonate or sodium carbonate to acidic lakes can help neutralize the acidity by reacting with the excess hydrogen ions present in the water. This reaction raises the pH level of the lake towards a more neutral state, which can benefit aquatic life that thrives in a less acidic environment. Additionally, the calcium carbonate can help buffer the lake water against future acidification.

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Q: Why might adding calcium carbonate or sodium carbonate to acidic lakes solve the problem?
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Does calcium carbonate increase specific conductivity of water?

Yes, calcium carbonate can increase the specific conductivity of water by adding more ions into the solution. When calcium carbonate dissolves in water, it forms calcium and carbonate ions, which can contribute to the overall conductivity of the water.

Is adding calcium chloride to sodium carbonate a physical change or a chemical change?

Adding calcium chloride to sodium carbonate would be a chemical change because it results in the formation of new substances (calcium carbonate and sodium chloride) with different chemical properties than the original reactants.

What is one chemical method that is used to reverse the process of acidification in a lake?

One chemical method to reverse acidification in a lake is liming, which involves adding substances like calcium carbonate to neutralize the acidity. The calcium carbonate reacts with the acidic components in the water, raising the pH levels and reducing the acidity in the lake.

How can limewater be made from calcium carbonate?

Limewater can be made by adding calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to water to produce calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The chemical reaction is CaCO3 + H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + CO2. The resulting solution is limewater, which is commonly used in various chemical tests.

Is adding lemon juice to limestone a chemical change?

Yes, adding lemon juice to limestone causes a chemical change as the acid in the lemon juice reacts with the calcium carbonate in limestone to form calcium citrate, water, and carbon dioxide.

Related questions

When you add calcium carbonate to loam soil why does it stop the soil from becoming to acidic?

Calcium carbonate is a base that helps neutralize acidity in the soil by raising the pH level. Adding it to loam soil can help balance the pH, making it less acidic. This process benefits plant growth by providing a more favorable environment for nutrient absorption.

Does calcium carbonate increase specific conductivity of water?

Yes, calcium carbonate can increase the specific conductivity of water by adding more ions into the solution. When calcium carbonate dissolves in water, it forms calcium and carbonate ions, which can contribute to the overall conductivity of the water.

How does on lime a lake?

by adding calcium carbonate to raise the pH level.

Is adding calcium chloride to sodium carbonate a physical change or a chemical change?

Adding calcium chloride to sodium carbonate would be a chemical change because it results in the formation of new substances (calcium carbonate and sodium chloride) with different chemical properties than the original reactants.

What is the purpose of adding calcium carbonate after removal of casein?

acts as a drying agent

Will calcium carbonate damage pool water?

It will make the water cloudy. to remove calcium carbonate simply lower pH in the pool to 7.0 or lower and calcium carbonate will redissolve back into suspension and water will clear up. You can get this characteristic by adding sodium Carbonate too quickly.

What is the purpose of adding calcium carbonate after removal of the casein?

Adding calcium carbonate after the removal of casein helps to increase the pH of the solution. This is important for the precipitation and separation of unwanted impurities from the liquid. It also aids in the formation of a solid precipitate, which can be easily separated from the liquid.

Why is calcium carbonate added to some lakes in eastern Canada?

Many lakes in earstern Canada do not have carbonates in them and are more easily damaged by acid precipitation. Liming(adding calcium carbonate to lakes) helps neutralize acid.

What happen of mixed calcium chloride solution and sodium carbonate solution filtering and wash the residue with distilled water allow to dry adding hydrochloric acid?

When mixed, calcium chloride and sodium carbonate react to form calcium carbonate (a white solid) and sodium chloride (a colorless solution). Filtration separates the solid calcium carbonate from the sodium chloride solution. Washing the residue with distilled water removes any remaining soluble impurities. Adding hydrochloric acid to the calcium carbonate will cause it to dissolve, forming calcium chloride solution, carbon dioxide gas, and water.

What is one chemical method that is used to reverse the process of acidification in a lake?

One chemical method to reverse acidification in a lake is liming, which involves adding substances like calcium carbonate to neutralize the acidity. The calcium carbonate reacts with the acidic components in the water, raising the pH levels and reducing the acidity in the lake.

What is the best mineral or rock to neutralize acidic soil?

Limestone is the best mineral to neutralize acidic soil. It contains calcium carbonate, which reacts with acid in the soil to raise the pH level and reduce acidity. Adding limestone can help improve soil quality for plants that prefer neutral to slightly alkaline conditions.

How can limewater be made from calcium carbonate?

Limewater can be made by adding calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to water to produce calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The chemical reaction is CaCO3 + H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + CO2. The resulting solution is limewater, which is commonly used in various chemical tests.