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With most metals which display more than one oxidation state, the lower oxidation states usually display more ionic behavior than the higher states. This is because more energy is required to lose more electrons. To form Pb+4 would require the loss of 4 electrons, which would require much more energy than to lose two electrons to form Pb+2. Also the highly charged Pb+4 would tend to pull anions close to it favoring covalent bonding. Therefore Pb(IV) compounds may be best described as covalent, while Pb(II) compounds are more ionic. A similar behavior may be seen with manganese oxides. MnO is an ionic, basic oxide similar to MgO. However, Mn2O7 is a covalent, acidic oxide similar to SO3.

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Lead (II) chloride (PbCl2) is ionic because lead (Pb) is a metal and chlorine (Cl) is a non-metal, leading to the transfer of electrons from Pb to Cl. Lead (IV) chloride (PbCl4) is covalent because both elements are non-metals, resulting in a sharing of electrons between Pb and Cl atoms.

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