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Juices from the vagina. It is normal to see the stains. If they become yellow, then she has got a yeast infection.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

It could be due to natural vaginal discharge, sweat, or a pH imbalance. It's normal for women to have discharge that can vary in color and consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. If the stain is concerning or persistent, it would be advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

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Q: Why is white dry stain in your wifes underwear?
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What does dry semen look like on clothes?

Dry semen on clothes can appear as a yellowish or white crusty stain. It may have a slightly stiff and gritty texture, similar to when it dries on other surfaces.

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To get rid of stains on a white jacket, first identify the type of stain and pretreat it with a stain remover. Wash the jacket in warm water with a bleach alternative or whitening agent, then air dry or tumble dry on low heat. Repeat the process if the stain persists.

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To dry clean using white spirit, simply apply a small amount of white spirit directly onto the stain using a clean cloth. Gently rub the fabric to help lift the stain. Let the white spirit evaporate completely before wearing the garment to avoid any skin irritation.

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Saturate the stain with sprayed hair spray, then throw the garment into the wash. If the stain doesn't completely come out, repeat the process. DO NOT dry the garment until the stain has washed out! What happens is that the hair spray, which contains lacquer, dissolves the ink, but the hair spray also washes out in water/detergent. (Taking the ink with it.)

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Semen typically appears as a creamy white or slightly yellowish color on white underwear. It may also dry to a crusty or flaky texture.

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To remove a stain from white jeans, first treat the area by dabbing with a cloth soaked in a mixture of water and laundry detergent. For tougher stains, use a stain remover specifically designed for clothes. Wash the jeans in cold water and air dry to prevent setting the stain.

How do you get a water stain out?

Water doesn't stain clothes. Just wait for it to dry.

How do you get a sick stain from a cream sofa?

When the stain is still fresh, apply white wine. The color begins to disappear and then all you're left with is the wet part of the stain. If the stain is dry, then use a little soap that is safe on the material (I would try Palmolive) and hydrogen peroxide. Spray, dab, or pour the mixture on the stain. Been there done that!

What are some common ways to remove a difficult stain?

Initially, use dry towels to blot excess fluids from the stain. Make a cleaning solution of a quarter cup of white vinegar, a tablespoon of washing liquid and water in a spray. Spray the stained area and allow to soak for five to ten minutes. Blot the stain away using dry towels.

How do you remove pen stains from white clothing?

One method to remove pen stains from white clothing is to dab the stain with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it may spread. Wash the clothing in cold water and air dry.

Will stain dry inside if its raining?

Stain will probably not dry inside if it's raining. The reason stain may not dry is because of the high humidity. Humidity is water content of the air; stain dries in part through the evaporation of water in the product, so it will not dry if there is already water in the air. If rain is in the forecast, it's best to wait until dry days are expected before staining.