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Because it is called 'Tungsten' Duhhh

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Tungsten is valuable because of its high melting point, exceptional strength, and resistance to corrosion. It is an essential material in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and electronics due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and tough operating conditions. Tungsten is also used in manufacturing items like filaments in light bulbs and X-ray tubes.

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Is tungsten valuable?

Because it is called 'Tungsten' Duhhh

Is tungsten carbide valuable?

A little bit, as it is used to make light bulbs and other electronics.

What is Korea's most valuable resource?

South Korea's Natural resources are coal, tungsten, graphite, Molybdenum

Is tungsten a metal or a non metal?

Tungsten is a metal. It is a transition metal with the highest melting point of any element, making it a valuable material for applications that require high temperature resistance, such as in light bulb filaments and aerospace components.

Is tungsten rare?

Yes, tungsten is considered a rare metal. It is relatively rare in the Earth's crust, with a limited global supply. Its high melting point and unique properties make it valuable for various industrial applications.

Is tungsten ferrous or non ferrous?

Tungsten is a non-ferrous metal. Ferrous metals are those that contain iron, while non-ferrous metals do not contain significant amounts of iron. Tungsten is known for its high melting point and hardness, making it a valuable material for applications in industries such as aerospace and electronics.

What temperature does tungsten burn at?

Tungsten burns at temperatures around 6,192 degrees Fahrenheit (3,420 degrees Celsius). This high melting point makes tungsten a valuable material for applications requiring extreme heat resistance, such as in lightbulb filaments and industrial heating elements.

What are uses for tungsten?

There are many uses for tungsten: Incandescent light bulbs: It makes up the filament of the bulb. It is used in the bulb because it can withstand extreme temperatures. Jewelry: The high scratch resistance and dark shine of tungsten makes it a very popular choice among men for rings and bracelets. Abrasive Coating: Many tools subject to cutting hard metals in harsh conditions are coated with tungsten. The high melting point and hardness of tungsten make it a valuable asset to machinery and cutting tools.

What family does tungsten belongs in?

Tungsten belongs to the transition metal family on the periodic table, specifically in Group 6. It is known for its high melting point and strength, making it a valuable material in various industrial applications.

Is tungsten tougher that tungsten carbide?

No. Tungsten is an element, where as tungsten carbide is an alloy, or a mixture of elements (tungsten, nickel, tantalum, niobium, titanium, and chromium). Tungsten carbide is much easier to work into styles and designs, but does not change the hardness of the metal.

What is the most significant use for tungsten?

Tungsten is most commonly used in the production of electrical contacts, light bulb filaments, and high-temperature applications due to its high melting point and strength. Its density and hardness also make it valuable in the manufacturing of industrial machinery and tools. Additionally, tungsten is used in radiation shielding and military applications due to its ability to absorb and block radiation.

What is the molecular formula for tungsten?

The chemical symbol for Tungsten is W. (Tungsten is also known as Wolfram.)