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its liquid at room temp, not solid.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Potassium bromide is solid at room temperature due to the strong ionic bonds between potassium and bromine ions. These bonds hold the ions together in a tightly packed arrangement, creating a solid crystal lattice structure. This lattice structure requires a certain amount of energy to be broken, which is why potassium bromide remains in a solid state at room temperature.

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Why is KBr liquid at room temperature?

KBr (potassium bromide) is a salt that has a relatively low melting point of 734 degrees Celsius. At room temperature and pressure, it remains in a solid state. To become a liquid, KBr must be heated above its melting point to transform into a liquid form.

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Potassium bromide is a white crystalline powder or colorless crystals that are odorless. It is very soluble in water and is commonly used in photography, medicine, and as a bronchodilator.

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Potassium chloride is a solid state at room temperature.

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Hydrogen bromide (HBr) is a gas at room temperature.

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Potassium at room temperature is a solid.

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Potassium chloride is a white crystalline solid at room temperature.

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Lithium bromide is typically found in a solid state at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. It is commonly used in solution form as a desiccant in air conditioning systems.

Is KBr a compound or a solid?

KBr is both a compound and a solid. It is a compound because it is made up of potassium and bromine ions bonded together. It is a solid at room temperature and forms a crystalline structure.

Is calcium bromide a solid?

Yes, calcium bromide is typically a solid at room temperature, appearing as a white crystalline powder.

Is calcium bromide solid liquid or gas?

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Is calcium bromide a gas liquid or solid?

Calcium bromide is a solid at room temperature and pressure. It is a white crystalline compound that is commonly used in various industrial applications.