

Best Answer

Petroleum is the end product of millions of years of rotting and decaying

dead dinosaurs, the contents of their stomachs, intestines, and noses,

and whatever dead thing they were chewing on when they died.

Under rocks and deep in the dank, stinky ground, where the sun don't shine.

I get queasy just writing about it. What would lead you to think that any

of that might be good for you ?

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Petroleum is toxic because it contains various organic compounds such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, which can be harmful to human health. These compounds can cause irritation, chemical burns, and long-term health effects such as damage to the respiratory system and carcinogenic effects when exposed in high concentrations or over prolonged periods.

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Q: Why is petroleum toxic?
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What happens when you light petroleum and bleach?

When you light petroleum and bleach together, it can produce toxic fumes including chloroform and chlorine gas. This can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided as it can lead to serious health issues or even death. It is important to never mix these chemicals together.

What is the Disadvantage of using hexane as an extracting solvent compared to petroleum ether and an alcohol?

One disadvantage of using hexane as an extracting solvent compared to petroleum ether and alcohol is that hexane is more toxic and poses a higher risk to human health and the environment. Additionally, hexane has a lower boiling point than petroleum ether, making it more flammable. Finally, hexane has a higher cost compared to petroleum ether and some alcohols commonly used as extracting solvents.

Why should coal and petroleum be used carefully?

Coal and petroleum should be used carefully due to their significant environmental impacts. Both fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases when burned, contributing to climate change. Additionally, coal mining and petroleum extraction can have adverse effects on local ecosystems and communities. It is essential to transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources to mitigate these negative impacts and reduce our dependence on coal and petroleum.

Why is it called petroleum jelly when it is made with petrolatum and not some oil?

Petroleum jelly is made from petrolatum, a mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum. The name "petroleum jelly" comes from the fact that it is derived from petroleum, not necessarily from being an actual jelly made from oil.

Is there latex in patroleum jelly?

No, petroleum jelly does not contain latex. Petroleum jelly is made from petroleum, while latex is derived from the milky sap of rubber trees. They are two different substances with different chemical compositions.

Related questions

Is petroleum jelly considered toxic?

No! it is Vaseline!

What can you put on a cut on a crested gecko?

Non scented, non toxic petroleum jelly.

How do synthetic fibers pollute air?

synthetic fiber can pollute air when it is burnt and being a petroleum product it can produce toxic gases in the air

What are the effects of petroleum to your environment?

The environmental impact of petroleum is often negative because it is toxic to almost all forms of life. The possibility of climate changeexists. Petroleum, commonly referred to as oil, is closely linked to virtually all aspects of present society, especially for transportation and heating for both homes and for commercial activities.

What chemical or liquid will have a reaction if it comes in contact with petroleum?

Petroleum can react with strong oxidizing agents like chlorine or fluorine to form toxic fumes or even explosive compounds. It can also be degraded by certain bacteria through a process known as biodegradation.

What happens when you light petroleum and bleach?

When you light petroleum and bleach together, it can produce toxic fumes including chloroform and chlorine gas. This can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided as it can lead to serious health issues or even death. It is important to never mix these chemicals together.

What is an example of petroleum?

Petroleum is Petra rock + oleum oil or crude oil is a naturally occurring, toxic, flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, and other organic compounds, that are found in geological formations beneath the Earth's surface.Ur welcome btw :)

What is the Disadvantage of using hexane as an extracting solvent compared to petroleum ether and an alcohol?

One disadvantage of using hexane as an extracting solvent compared to petroleum ether and alcohol is that hexane is more toxic and poses a higher risk to human health and the environment. Additionally, hexane has a lower boiling point than petroleum ether, making it more flammable. Finally, hexane has a higher cost compared to petroleum ether and some alcohols commonly used as extracting solvents.

Why should coal and petroleum be used carefully?

Coal and petroleum should be used carefully due to their significant environmental impacts. Both fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases when burned, contributing to climate change. Additionally, coal mining and petroleum extraction can have adverse effects on local ecosystems and communities. It is essential to transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources to mitigate these negative impacts and reduce our dependence on coal and petroleum.

What do you mean by petroleum refining?

petroleum refining is petroleum refining

What is the definition of petroleum free?

Something that contains no petroleum is petroleum-free.

What is bad about vinyl?

Vinyl is hard to clean , its cold in winter, when its new it out gasses (toxic) since its from petroleum derived products.It can tear easily when its older , weakened if you clean with acetone/ispropyl alcohol and also its ugly