Oxygen is not typically considered a drug; rather, it is a critical element needed for survival in the body. However, in certain medical situations where oxygen levels are low, supplemental oxygen may be administered as a therapy to help improve breathing and increase oxygen saturation in the blood.
Yes, oxygen is considered a gas. It is a colorless, odorless gas that is essential for supporting life on Earth through the process of respiration.
Hydrogen and oxygen are both elements. When they combine to form water (H2O), then it becomes a compound.
Oxygen gas is considered to be a pure substance because it consists of only one type of atom, which is oxygen.
Oxygen itself is not an example of a mixture, but rather an element. However, air, which is a mixture of gases including oxygen, can be considered an example of a mixture.
No, normal saline solution is not considered a legend drug. It is a type of solution that contains a concentration of 0.9% sodium chloride in water and is commonly used for medical purposes such as intravenous hydration or wound cleaning. It is generally considered a medical device or over-the-counter product rather than a prescription drug.
Yes, ambulances are equipped with oxygen tanks and delivery systems to provide supplemental oxygen to patients in need. This is essential for patients experiencing respiratory distress or other conditions that require additional oxygen support during transport to the hospital.
Yes. Oxygen is considered a drug and can raise both blood preasure and heart rate.
It is considered a recreational drug when being cold. Or a downer, when speaking of it's drug category.
I don't believe cannabis IS considered a deadly drug.
safe drug
When hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, water is considered a compound. Hydrogen and oxygen are considered elements.
Alcohol is considered all three. It is poisonous, recreational, a drug and a beverage.
Alcohol is considered all three. It is poisonous, recreational, a drug and a beverage.
Medical Gas
No because it is not considered a drug.
(in the US) Inscence is not considered a 'drug.'
Not unless a drug is considered something we need constantly. Air is needed for the cycle of life, and without it a lot of life wouldn't exist. Only water creatures in the deep sea would survive an oxygen deplete planet.