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because the reaction of dissociation is At any one time virtually 100%

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1mo ago

Strong acids, such as HCl, dissociate almost completely in water to produce H+ ions and the corresponding anions. Since the dissociation is essentially complete, only one arrow is used to indicate the direction of the reaction towards product formation. This implies that the reaction is highly favored in the forward direction.

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Q: Why is only one arrow required for the dissociation of a strong acid?
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What will a strong acid have more of when compared to a weak acid?

The strong acid has a higher dissociation constant.

What is an acid dissociation constant?

The acid dissociation constant (Ka) is a measure of how well an acid donates its hydrogen ions in a solution. It is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of an acid in water into its ions. A high Ka value indicates a strong acid, while a low Ka value indicates a weak acid.

If you have a solution of a strong acid and a solution of a week acid of equal concentration and volume then the?

pH of the strong acid solution will be lower than the pH of the weak acid solution due to the stronger dissociation of the strong acid.

Why do we use a double arrow in the dissociation equation for a weak acid?

The double arrow in a dissociation equation for a weak acid represents that the reaction can occur in both the forward and reverse directions. Weak acids only partially dissociate in water, so the equilibrium can shift in either direction depending on the conditions.

The acid formed when hydrogen iodide dissociates in an aqueous solution would be named?

Hydroiodic Acid. It is a strong acid (100% dissociation).

Is sulfuric acid is known as as astrong acid?

According to the definition, a strong acid should dissociate completely. The second dissociation constant in sulfuric acid is nearly 95% and therefore is considered to be a strong acid.

What makes an acid stronger than the other?

The difference is between dissociation constants. A high value has the meaning of strong acid.

What properties cause an acid or a base to be strong or weak?

This depends on the level of dissociation of acids or bases.

Is hydrochloric an acid or base?

Hydrochloric Acid or HCl is a strong acid. This is because it dissociates completely in water (the very definition of a strong acid/base) into H+ and Cl-. Since H+ are free in the water it causes the water to become more acidic and therefore an acid. The dissociation coupled with the free H+ after dissociation give it the classification of a strong acid.

Is chloroacetic acid a weak or a strong acid?

Chloroacetic acid is a weak acid. Its dissociation in water is incomplete, meaning it does not completely ionize into H+ ions and its conjugate base.

Does a strong acid dissolve in water?

Yes, a strong acid will dissolve in water, undergoing a dissociation reaction to release hydrogen ions (H+). This is because strong acids completely ionize in water to form ions.

Why strong acid is hydrochloricacid?

Hydrochloric acid is considered a strong acid because it dissociates completely in water to form H+ and Cl- ions, leading to a high concentration of ions in the solution. This high degree of dissociation makes hydrochloric acid a strong electrolyte and a powerful acid.