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It can be hard to get coal because it is a non-renewable resource that requires extensive mining operations which can be costly and can have negative environmental impacts. Additionally, regulations and concerns about the environmental impact of burning coal have made it more challenging to obtain and use.

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Another name for anthracite coal is hard coal.

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Is coal hard to get?


Does santa give naughty kids hard Anthrocite coal or soft Bituminous coal?

It really won't matter to him infect he does not put coal in your stockings his magical elves do so just might get hard coal or soft coal

What coal has a hard brittle texture?

Anthracite coal has a hard and brittle texture. It is the highest ranking type of coal and is known for its high carbon content and low moisture content.

Is coal hard or soft?

Neither, it is brittle.

Why coal is not used commonly?

coal is not commonly used because because it is very hard to find.