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The heat causes the metal lid to expand, making it slightly bigger.

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Soaking the metal lid in hot water causes it to expand slightly, making it easier to break the seal with the glass jar. The heat also helps to soften any adhesive or food residue that may be holding the lid in place, making it easier to twist off.

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Q: Why is it easier to remove a metal lid off a glass jar when soaked with hot water?
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Metal lids on glass jars can often be loosened by running hot water over them. Why does that work?

Running hot water over a metal lid on a glass jar causes the metal to expand slightly due to the heat, which can help break the seal it has with the glass jar. This expansion makes it easier to twist the lid open.

Why is a tightened lid on jar easier to remove when heated?

Heating the jar causes the air inside to expand, increasing the pressure. This added pressure helps to loosen the lid by pushing it away from the jar, making it easier to remove. Additionally, heating can also help to soften any sticky substances that may be causing the lid to stick.

What does soda have in it that removes corrosion?

Soda contains phosphoric acid, which can help to dissolve and remove corrosion on metal surfaces. The acidity of the soda helps to break down the rust and corrosion, making it easier to clean and remove from the metal.

How would glass be distinguished from the metal refuse?

Glass can be distinguished from metal refuse by its smooth and transparent appearance, in contrast to the solid and opaque nature of metal. Glass is also usually lighter in weight compared to metal refuse. Additionally, glass is not magnetic, which can be a distinguishing factor when trying to identify it from metal.

Why would holding a bottle with a metal cap loosen the cap under hot water?

As the metal cap and glass bottle heat up, they expand at different rates due to their different materials. The metal expands faster than glass, causing it to loosen under hot water. This is because the metal cap's expanding size creates less friction against the bottleneck, making it easier to unscrew.

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What cools faster glass bottle or can?

Considering cans are metal and metal is a better heat conductor than glass (any cook will confirm that from years of burnt fingers) then I'd say GLASS would be able to cool quicker. It's easier for glass to loose thermodynamic energy than metal.

What cools faster can or bottle?

Considering cans are metal and metal is a better heat conductor than glass (any cook will confirm that from years of burnt fingers) then I'd say GLASS would be able to cool quicker. It's easier for glass to loose thermodynamic energy than metal.

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it doesnt

Metal lids on glass jars can often be loosened by running hot water over them. Why does that work?

Running hot water over a metal lid on a glass jar causes the metal to expand slightly due to the heat, which can help break the seal it has with the glass jar. This expansion makes it easier to twist the lid open.

Why can white spirit wash off paint on windows?

It's easier and less messy to scrape it off the glass with a metal spatula.

Can you use glass for baking cookies?

While it is possible, it is much better and easier to use the regular metal cookie baking sheet instead.

What glue bonds glass to metal?

An epoxy will bond glass to metal.

Why is a tightened lid on jar easier to remove when heated?

Heating the jar causes the air inside to expand, increasing the pressure. This added pressure helps to loosen the lid by pushing it away from the jar, making it easier to remove. Additionally, heating can also help to soften any sticky substances that may be causing the lid to stick.

Pouring hot water over a tight metal cap enables the cap to be removed from a bottle more easily?

the metal cap will expand , and it will be easier to remove the cap from the bottle

What does soda have in it that removes corrosion?

Soda contains phosphoric acid, which can help to dissolve and remove corrosion on metal surfaces. The acidity of the soda helps to break down the rust and corrosion, making it easier to clean and remove from the metal.

What three minerals are metal and scrach glass?

The three minerals that are metals and can scratch glass are iron pyrite (pyrite), hematite, and magnetite. These minerals have a high hardness level, allowing them to scratch glass and show metallic luster.

How would glass be distinguished from the metal refuse?

Glass can be distinguished from metal refuse by its smooth and transparent appearance, in contrast to the solid and opaque nature of metal. Glass is also usually lighter in weight compared to metal refuse. Additionally, glass is not magnetic, which can be a distinguishing factor when trying to identify it from metal.