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Granules are preferred over zinc strips for the reaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid because granules have a larger surface area, allowing for a faster reaction. The increased surface area of granules results in more zinc atoms being in contact with the hydrochloric acid, leading to a more efficient reaction. This results in a quicker production of hydrogen gas and zinc chloride.

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Q: Why is granules are preferred over zinc strip for the reaction of Zn with HCl?
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What happens when dilute sulfuric acid is added over zinc granules?

When dilute sulfuric acid is added over zinc granules, a chemical reaction takes place. The zinc reacts with sulfuric acid to form zinc sulfate and hydrogen gas is released as a byproduct. This reaction is a typical example of a single displacement reaction.

What is the change in color of zinc granules when it reacts with HCL?

The color change of zinc granules when reacting with HCl is not significant. However, over time, the zinc granules will start to lose their shine and develop a dull appearance due to the formation of zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.

Why do you add H2SO4 instead of HCL in redox titration?

H2SO4 is preferred over HCl in redox titrations because HCl can release Cl2 gas during the reaction, which can interfere with the titration results. H2SO4 provides the necessary acidic conditions for the redox reaction without introducing additional complications.

What happens when you pour copper over iron?

When copper is poured over iron, they may form a bimetallic strip due to their different properties. Over time, the two metals may undergo a chemical reaction known as galvanic corrosion, causing the iron to corrode in the presence of the copper. This can weaken the materials and lead to degradation of the metals.

Do chlorine granules have a use by date?

Yes, chlorine granules do have a shelf life and can lose their effectiveness over time. It is best to check the packaging for the expiration date and use the chlorine granules before that date for maximum effectiveness. Storage conditions, such as keeping them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, can also help prolong their shelf life.

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Pharmacists often prefer granules over powders because granules offer what advantages?

There are times when pharmacists do prefer granules over powders. The main reasons for this are the granules do not have a tendency to cake up like a powder would and that granules tend to stay dissolved better than powders.

Pharmacists often prefer granules over powders because granules?

don't cake

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Why does a pharmacists prefer granules over powders?

because unlike a powder, granules don't cake up

What happens when dilute sulfuric acid is added over zinc granules?

When dilute sulfuric acid is added over zinc granules, a chemical reaction takes place. The zinc reacts with sulfuric acid to form zinc sulfate and hydrogen gas is released as a byproduct. This reaction is a typical example of a single displacement reaction.

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if you mean why is a desktop preferred over a laptop. then i would answer that they aren't and that laptops are preferred because of their convenience

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The two conclusions are that the forces acting on the plastic strip are of the same magnitude but opposite in direction, leading to the strip's halves moving away from each other. This demonstrates that the forces are balanced, consistent with Newton's third law of motion stating that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the change in color of zinc granules when it reacts with HCL?

The color change of zinc granules when reacting with HCl is not significant. However, over time, the zinc granules will start to lose their shine and develop a dull appearance due to the formation of zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.

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