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Nuclear fission can only occur in heavy, unstable nuclei, as smaller nuclei are, on the whole, more stable than the largest ones. This only continues down to iron. In elements lighter than iron the heavier nuclei tend to be more stable, so splitting apart a carbon nucleus would absorb energy rather than releasing it. Fusion of carbon releases energy. Such fusion occurs in the cores of some massive stars as they enter their final stages.

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4mo ago

Carbon fission is not possible because carbon atoms do not naturally undergo fission reactions. Fission typically occurs in heavy elements like uranium or plutonium when their nuclei split into smaller fragments, releasing a large amount of energy. Carbon does not have a large enough nucleus to sustain a fission chain reaction.

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How much energy produced in fission of an atom of uranium compair to an carbon atom?

The energy produced by fission of a uranium atom is millions of times greater than that produced by a carbon atom. Uranium fission releases a large amount of energy due to its high nuclear binding energy per nucleon, whereas carbon fission releases only a fraction of that energy. This difference in energy release is the basis for the use of uranium in nuclear power plants.

Do nuclear fuels produce carbon dioxide and why?

No, nuclear fuels do not produce carbon dioxide during the process of generating electricity. Nuclear power plants use uranium as fuel to produce energy through nuclear fission, which does not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.

Is that possible to break carbon and oxygen bond in carbon dioxide?

Breaking the carbon-oxygen bond in carbon dioxide requires a significant amount of energy input, typically through high temperatures or catalysts, in a process called decomposition or dissociation. This energy input is necessary to overcome the strong bond holding the carbon and oxygen atoms together.

What term is use to describe splitting a large atomic nucleus into smaller ones?

Nuclear fission is defined as splitting large nuclei into smaller ones.

What is the chemical equation for nuclear fission?

In a typical nuclear fission reaction, a heavy nucleus such as uranium-235 absorbs a neutron and splits into two smaller nuclei (fission products), releasing additional neutrons and energy in the process. An example equation for the fission of uranium-235 is: [ \text{Uranium-235} + \text{Neutron} \rightarrow \text{Krypton-92} + \text{Barium-141} + 3\text{Neutrons} + \text{Energy} ] This is just one possible fission reaction and the specific nuclei involved may vary.

Related questions

What is needed to produce different isotopes during fission?

The fission reaction must be possible.

Which are not products of the fission of uranium?

Carbon dioxide is not a product of the fission of uranium. When uranium undergoes fission, it typically produces two or more fission fragments, such as krypton and barium isotopes, along with neutrons and a large amount of heat.

Is a chain reaction possible in a substance that emit no neutrons when it fission?

No, a chain reaction is not possible in a substance that emits no neutrons when it undergoes fission. Neutrons are required to sustain a chain reaction by triggering the fission of other atoms in the substance. Without neutron production, the fission process cannot continue to release energy and sustain the chain reaction.

How much energy produced in fission of an atom of uranium compair to an carbon atom?

The energy produced by fission of a uranium atom is millions of times greater than that produced by a carbon atom. Uranium fission releases a large amount of energy due to its high nuclear binding energy per nucleon, whereas carbon fission releases only a fraction of that energy. This difference in energy release is the basis for the use of uranium in nuclear power plants.

What has the author Ronald Grime written?

Ronald Grime has written: 'Studies in organic oxidation with particular reference to hydroxylation and fission of carbon-carbon bonds'

What do plants and animals breathe in during night?

At night animals breathe in Carbon Dioxide because plants reverse their gas exchanging pattern due to the disappearance of the sun. Plants will produce carbon dioxide from oxygen (O2) and glucose (C6H12O6) and the carbon dioxide inhaled will be changed in oxygen + carbon by fission. C6H12O6 + O2 = CO2 + extra atoms CO2/fission = O2 + extra C atom

What characteristics of a fission reaction makes a chain reaction possible?

The excess of neutrons produced.

If carbon were used as nuclear fuel it would be best?

Carbon is not commonly used as nuclear fuel because it does not readily undergo nuclear fission reactions. Elements such as uranium and plutonium are more suitable for use as nuclear fuels due to their ability to sustain nuclear chain reactions.

What are three conversion factors you would use to find the volume carbon obtained from 1.5L of oxygen?

The density of oxygen.The efficiency of the nuclear fission process.The density of carbon.

Can Uranium 235 be split by Krypton?

The fission of uranium-235 release krypton and barium (and other isotopes) as fission products.I don't know if the fusion of uranium and krypton is possible in laboratory.

What makes a fission reaction possible is that certain atoms are stable unstable energetic very small?

What makes a fission reaction possible is that certain atoms, such as uranium and plutonium, are unstable and capable of splitting into smaller atoms when struck by a neutron. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat and additional neutrons, which can go on to trigger more fission reactions in a chain reaction.

Where do you get nuclear fission?

You get nuclear fission in:nuclear fission reactorsatomic fission bombs