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Iodometric titration is better than iodimetric titration for the determination of reducing agents, as it directly measures the amount of oxidizing agent present. This method is more precise, as it involves the direct reduction of a known quantity of iodine to iodide ion. It is also less prone to interference from side reactions compared to the indirect measurement in iodimetric titration.

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Q: Why iodometic titration is better than iodimetric titration?
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Why is GC MS better than titration?

GC-MS is better than titration because it provides more specific identification and quantification of compounds present in a sample by separating them based on their chemical properties and analyzing them individually. This technique is more sensitive and can detect a wider range of compounds compared to titration, which may have limitations in terms of specificity and detection levels. Additionally, GC-MS requires less sample preparation and can provide results more quickly compared to titration methods.

Why is Volume of HCl used for blank titration is more than volume of HCl used for oil titration?

The blank titration is used to determine the exact amount of acid needed to neutralize any impurities in the titration setup, such as the indicator and solvent. This additional volume of acid is accounted for in the blank titration and is subtracted from the volume of acid used in the titration with the oil sample.

Why is GC-MS better than titration?

Using GC MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) you may detect multiple substances within a sample and in very trace amounts. Titration will tell you the concentration of a solution, and is more subject to error. You can measure the quantity of the stuff you're looking for much more exactly with GC-MS. Also, you can detect several sorts of molecules at once, whereas you need a pure probe for titration.

Can you use indicator other than phenolphthalein in the titration of NaOH?

Yes, you can use indicators such as bromothymol blue or methyl orange in the titration of NaOH. These indicators change color at different pH ranges and can be used based on the specific pH endpoint needed for the titration.

Why potentiometric titration instead of direct titration?

Potentiometric titration allows for precise endpoint detection based on changes in voltage, making it more accurate than direct titration methods. It is also more versatile and can be used for titrations where there is no visible endpoint or for titrations involving colored or turbid solutions. Additionally, potentiometric titration can offer a wider dynamic range and better reproducibility compared to direct titration methods.

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Why is GC MS better than titration?

GC-MS is better than titration because it provides more specific identification and quantification of compounds present in a sample by separating them based on their chemical properties and analyzing them individually. This technique is more sensitive and can detect a wider range of compounds compared to titration, which may have limitations in terms of specificity and detection levels. Additionally, GC-MS requires less sample preparation and can provide results more quickly compared to titration methods.

Why is Volume of HCl used for blank titration is more than volume of HCl used for oil titration?

The blank titration is used to determine the exact amount of acid needed to neutralize any impurities in the titration setup, such as the indicator and solvent. This additional volume of acid is accounted for in the blank titration and is subtracted from the volume of acid used in the titration with the oil sample.

Why is GC-MS better than titration?

Using GC MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) you may detect multiple substances within a sample and in very trace amounts. Titration will tell you the concentration of a solution, and is more subject to error. You can measure the quantity of the stuff you're looking for much more exactly with GC-MS. Also, you can detect several sorts of molecules at once, whereas you need a pure probe for titration.

How do the characteristic of bases differ form those of acids?

Bases tend to recieve an H+ ion in a titration, and acids tend to give an H+ ion in a titration. Bases have a pH greater than 7 and acids have a pH less than 7.

Can you use indicator other than phenolphthalein in the titration of NaOH?

Yes, you can use indicators such as bromothymol blue or methyl orange in the titration of NaOH. These indicators change color at different pH ranges and can be used based on the specific pH endpoint needed for the titration.

Why potentiometric titration instead of direct titration?

Potentiometric titration allows for precise endpoint detection based on changes in voltage, making it more accurate than direct titration methods. It is also more versatile and can be used for titrations where there is no visible endpoint or for titrations involving colored or turbid solutions. Additionally, potentiometric titration can offer a wider dynamic range and better reproducibility compared to direct titration methods.

Why starch is added in iodometric titration?

Starch is added in iodometric titration as an indicator to detect the endpoint of the titration. In the presence of iodine, starch forms a blue complex that is easily visible. The appearance of this blue color signifies that all the iodine has reacted with the analyte, helping the person conducting the titration to know when the reaction is complete.

What happens if the tip of the burette is not filled before the titration begins?

If the tip of the burette is not filled before the titration begins, inaccurate volume readings may result due to the introduction of air bubbles into the liquid being dispensed. This can lead to imprecise titration results and affect the accuracy of the experiment.

Why is phenolphthalein indicator not used in EDTA titration?

Phenolphthalein is not suitable for use in EDTA titration because it changes color at a pH range that is much lower than the pH range at which the EDTA-metal complex formation occurs. EDTA titration typically requires indicators that change color in a more acidic pH range.

What is the difference between aqueous and non aqueous titration?

Aqueous titration involves using a water-based solvent for both the titrant and the analyte, while non-aqueous titration involves using a solvent other than water. Aqueous titrations are more common and are used for analyzing compounds that are soluble in water, while non-aqueous titrations are used when water may interfere with the reaction or when the compounds are not soluble in water.

Which indicators are used for alkalinity titration?

The indicators commonly used for alkalinity titration include phenolphthalein and bromcresol green. Phenolphthalein turns pink in the presence of excess base (at a pH greater than 8.2), while bromcresol green changes color from yellow to blue in the pH range of 3.8 to 5.4, indicating the endpoint of the titration.