

Why does pressure kill you in bomb?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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13y ago

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The blast effect of an explosive causes damage to the body- can include being crushed, thrown into things, having things thrown into you, etc. The high pressure can damage the soft parts of your body, such as your lungs, and you cannot breathe.

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1mo ago

The high pressure generated by a bomb blast can cause physical damage to tissues and organs in the body, leading to internal injuries and potentially death. The sudden change in pressure can also rupture blood vessels and cause air embolisms, leading to serious complications. Additionally, the impact of the blast can cause structural damage to buildings and surrounding infrastructure, further increasing the risk of injury or death.

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What are the differences between simple calorimeter and bomb calorimeter?

A simple calorimeter measures heat changes in a substance through temperature changes in water surrounding it, while a bomb calorimeter measures the heat of combustion of a substance by igniting it in a sealed chamber under high pressure. Bomb calorimeters are more precise and accurate than simple calorimeters, but they are also more complex and expensive to operate.

Why high pressure oxygen is used in bomb calorimeter?

High pressure oxygen is used in bomb calorimeters to aid in the combustion process of the sample being tested. By increasing the oxygen pressure, the combustion reaction can occur more efficiently and completely, leading to more accurate measurements of the heat energy released by the sample.

Does a nuclear bomb turn people into dust?

A nuclear bomb can create extreme heat and pressure which can vaporize people near the blast site, turning them into dust. However, the effects of a nuclear bomb also include radiation exposure which can cause further harm and widespread destruction beyond the initial blast area.

What is oxygen bomb calorimeter?

An oxygen bomb calorimeter is a device used to measure the energy content of a sample by combusting it in a controlled environment and measuring the temperature change. The sample is sealed in a high-pressure vessel (the bomb) with oxygen, ignited, and the heat released is used to calculate the calorific value of the sample. This method is commonly used to determine the energy content of fuels and food.

Is a bug fogger and a bug bomb the same?

Yes, bug foggers and bug bombs are the same thing. They are aerosol cans that release insecticides to kill insects in an enclosed space.

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no one.

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