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The exterior of the bulb of the thermometer expands first, resulting in the mercury level to go down. After that the mercury in the bulb expands more than the glass bulb, resulting in the subsequent rise of the mercury level.

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1mo ago

When a Mercury-in-glass thermometer is placed in hot water, the mercury expands rapidly due to the increased temperature, causing the level to momentarily rise before dropping back down as the thermometer equilibrates with the new temperature. The initial rise is due to thermal expansion of the mercury, while the subsequent drop occurs as the system reaches thermal equilibrium.

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Q: Why does mercury level goes down for a very short time when a mercury-in glass thermometer is placed in hot water?
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Explain how an ordinary glass fever thermometer is designed?

An ordinary glass fever thermometer is typically made of a sealed glass tube filled with mercury or dyed alcohol. It has a calibrated scale along the length of the tube to measure temperature. When the thermometer is placed in contact with a warm object, the temperature causes the liquid inside to expand and rise up the scale, indicating the temperature value.

Why it is safer to use a plastic strip thermometer than a glass thermometer?

Because a glass thermometer has a liquid inside (alcohol or mercury), that can poison you if it brakes.

What are the two substances used in a liquid column thermometer?

The two substances used in a liquid column thermometer are mercury and alcohol. Mercury thermometers use mercury as the liquid inside the glass tube, while alcohol thermometers use colored alcohol such as ethanol or dyed ethanol.

Why the mercury can not rise in a lab thermometer if there is air in the glass tube?

Mercury does not rise in a lab thermometer if there is air in the glass tube because the presence of air creates pressure within the tube that opposes the expansion of the mercury. Without a vacuum, the air pressure prevents the mercury from moving freely up the tube in response to changes in temperature.

A is a thin glass tube with a bulb on the one end that contains liquid usually mercury or colored alcohol?

A is a thermometer used for measuring temperature, typically with mercury or colored alcohol as the measuring fluid. The liquid expands or contracts based on temperature changes, providing a reading on the scale of the thermometer.

Related questions

Which thermometer is a greater health hazard if it breaks Is it the mercury in glass or alcohol in glass thermometer?

Mercury in glass thermometers pose a greater health hazard if broken, as mercury is a toxic substance that can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Alcohol in glass thermometers are considered less hazardous as alcohol is not as toxic as mercury. It is still important to clean up any broken thermometer carefully to avoid injury.

What is the sSensor in Mercury-in-glass thermometer?

The sensor in a mercury-in-glass thermometer is the glass bulb at the base of the thermometer containing the mercury. The temperature is measured by the expansion or contraction of the mercury based on the surrounding temperature, allowing the thermometer to provide a temperature reading.

Why does a mercury-in glass thermometer first drop slightly when placed in boiling water?

When a mercury-in-glass thermometer is placed in boiling water, the mercury initially contracts slightly due to the sudden change in temperature. As the thermometer adjusts to the higher temperature, the mercury expands and rises to reflect the actual temperature of the water.

Who invented Mercury-in-glass thermometer?

The Mercury-in-glass thermometer was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714. He was a physicist, engineer, and glass blower from Poland.

Who element used of the glass tube of clinical thermometer to measure thermometer?


What is the sensor in mercury in glass thermometer?

Temperature Sensor

What are the materials in a thermometer?

For a classic thermometer: glass and mercury, colored ethanol or another liquid.

What is liquid-in-glass thermometer?

A liquid-in-glass thermometer is a type of thermometer that consists of a glass tube filled with a liquid, typically mercury or alcohol, which expands or contracts with changes in temperature. The level of the liquid in the tube corresponds to the temperature, allowing for temperature measurement.

Is the external bulb of a thermometer also made of mercury?

No, the external bulb of a thermometer is typically made of glass to hold the mercury inside. Mercury is usually contained within the glass bulb to measure temperature accurately without exposing the user to the toxic substance.

What is constant in mercury- in- glass thermometer?

One constant in a mercury-in-glass thermometer is the volume of mercury in the bulb, which expands and contracts with temperature changes. Another constant is the linear expansion coefficient of the glass tube, which allows for an accurate measurement of temperature based on the change in volume of the mercury.

What is the mode of operation of mercury in glass thermometer?

"thermal expansion"

What is inside the glass tube from a thermometer?

either mercury or alcohol