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When light hits an atom the atom absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others. Upon gaining energy from light the electrons in the atom are elevated to a higher energy state. Upon returning from this state to the ground state the electrons lose energy in the form of a photon (which may be within the visible spectrum). As different elements have different gaps between each energy level, different elements will have different wavelengths of photon given out and thus different emission spectrums.

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4mo ago

The emission spectrum of each element is unique because the arrangement of electrons in the atom is specific to that element. When an electron moves to a lower energy level, it emits light of a specific wavelength. This results in distinct lines in the emission spectrum that are characteristic of the element.

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14y ago

Ok so basically electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed paths called orbits (Orbits are called energy levels). As long as the electron stays in any one energy level it neither gains nor loses energy. However if the electron absorbs energy(light,heat,electricity) it jumps to a higher energy level. This electron is now called an 'excited electron'. Excited electrons are very unstable and eventually fall back to the original energy level that it came from (it's ground state). Energy is emitted when the electron falls back into it's ground state.

Since each electron can only fall back to certain definite energy levels, only fixed amounts of light can be given out. Every element has a different number of electrons with different electron transitions occurring so every element has a unique spectra!

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12y ago

The colors emitted (or absorbed) are due to the narrowly-banded permissable energy levels within the electron configuration of the atom of the element. The electron configurations of each element are unique to that element and thus each element has its own unique (or "signature") range of colors emitted (or absorbed).

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15y ago

Each element has specific energy levels which correspond to specific wavelengths.

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Q: Why is the emission spectrum different for every element?
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When any element in the gas phase is excited to the point where it emits visible light, an emission spectrum is obtained. This emission spectrum consists of lines at specific wavelengths corresponding to the energy levels of the atoms in the gas that are emitting light. Each element has a unique emission spectrum, making it a useful tool for identifying elements.

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Every element emits a unique spectrum of colored lines when heated by passing an electric discharge through its gas or vapor. This is known as the element's atomic emission spectrum, and can be used to identify the element.

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Emission spectra can be used to identify specific elements in a substance by measuring the unique pattern of wavelengths emitted when the substance is subjected to energy. Each element emits a characteristic set of wavelengths, leading to distinctive spectral lines that can be compared to known spectra to determine the presence of specific elements in the substance. This technique is commonly used in spectroscopy to identify and analyze the composition of various materials.

Is it true that each element has a unique set of lines on a spectrum?

Yes, each element has a unique set of spectral lines because the lines are determined by the energy levels of the electrons in that specific element. This uniqueness allows scientists to identify elements based on their spectral signature.

How can scientists use light to identify an element?

Scientists can use light to identify an element through spectroscopy. Each element emits a unique spectrum of light when it is heated or excited, which can be analyzed using a spectrometer to determine its elemental composition based on the specific wavelengths of light emitted. By comparing this emitted light to known spectra of elements, scientists can identify the presence of a specific element in a sample.

Can you use flame test to identify element?

Yes, flame tests can be used to identify elements by observing the characteristic color of the flame produced when the element is heated. Different elements emit distinct colors when heated, allowing for identification based on the observed flame color.

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Each spectra is unique to each element as fingerprints are to humans because they each have their own spectral pattern and by comparing the spectra of a known element to the unknown element or ion you can identify them.

Each element will give off the same spectrum of light?

No, different elements produce unique spectra of light. This characteristic allows scientists to identify elements by analyzing the specific wavelengths of light they emit or absorb, which is the basis of spectroscopy.

Does Every element and compound in nature have a unique set of spectral lines?

Elements have several spectral lines and although some lines may be the same between different elements most lines are not and the whole spectrum for each element is indeed unique.

What is the principle of PMI testing?

The XRF-principle (x-ray fluorescence) is the method for PMI. Equipment used contains low radioactive sources (isotopes) or x-ray tubes. The exposed material reflects the radiation, generating energy. As every element has it's own atomic structure, this reflection will generate a different energy level for every element. This energy is measured and detected, thus identifying the alloy elements. The other method for PMI is Spark emission spectrography. Spectography is based on optical emission. The equipment consists of a probe which releases a spark that is used to vaporise the material being analysed. The atoms and ions in this vapour produce a spectrum which can be optically measured and then recalculated to determine the components of the material

What is an atoms spectrum?

An atom's spectrum is the unique pattern of light emitted or absorbed by the atom when it gains or loses energy. Each element has a characteristic spectrum that can be used to identify it. The spectrum is composed of specific lines corresponding to the energy levels of the atom.