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A gas takes up a greater volume than a solid because there is more space between the atoms in a gas. This might not always be true because of the vagueness of your question. One cubic centimeter of gas can fill a vacuumed chamber of a greater volume, but it can also fill a one cubic centimeter container just like a one cubic centimeter solid can.

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1mo ago

In a gas, particles have more space to move around compared to a solid where particles are packed more closely together. This results in gases taking up more volume than solids. Additionally, gas particles have higher kinetic energy which allows them to spread out and fill the available space.

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Q: Why does a gas take up more then a solid?
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When particles change from a solid to a liquid, they gain enough energy to break free from their fixed positions and move more freely. When transitioning from a liquid to a gas, particles gain even more energy and move even more freely, spreading out to fill the available space.

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Sugar is a solid. Look up crystal structure and aldoses and keytoses for more information on sugars and their crystals.

Do solids take up space?

Yes, solids have a fixed volume and shape, so they do take up space. The particles in a solid are closely packed together, which gives them their fixed shape and volume.

Is goo a solid a liquid or a gas?

Goo is typically considered a non-Newtonian fluid, meaning its viscosity can change based on factors like pressure or shear stress. It does not fit strictly into the categories of solid, liquid, or gas, but rather exhibits properties of both liquids and solids.

Why would gas take up more volume than any of the solids?

Gas is matter in a relatively high temperature range, where the molecules bounce off each other, at relatively high speeds, which makes gas take up a lot more space.Additional Information:At a certain temperature and pressure, all materials have a point where the individual atoms in the element or compound have enough energy to disrupt the type of bond that rendered it a solid. More can be read about the different types of bonds here: on the material, the pressure, and the temperature, the volume of a gas will usually take up more space than a solid, but it is certainly plausible to have a gas that takes up less space than a solid if the temperature and pressure are high enough. The equation PV=nRT (ideal gas law) is a good approximation of what to expect at different temperatures for different substances. Van Der Waal, Maxwell, Pauli, and Plank also came up with interesting equations concerning the unusual behaviour of matter when various interesting things are done to it that involve pressure, heat, and volume.

Why can air move more easily than water?

This is beacause air or Gas has fewer molecules that are clumped up together compared to liquid or solids. So they move freely and take up more of the shape of the compartment or container than the liquid or solid.

What heats up faster a solid a liquid or a gas?

A gas heats up faster than a liquid or a solid because the particles in a gas are further apart and can more easily gain energy through collisions. Liquids heat up faster than solids because the particles in a liquid are more closely packed and have more freedom of movement compared to solids.